Name: Jeremy M.C. Wong

Phone Number: (415) 606-4353

Office: A cold corner in the CAE/MAE comp lab in Bainer

Personality: Jeremy Wong will be residing in The Colleges apartment buildings. He is the coach for the Davis Racing Dragons, the dragonboat team from UC Davis. Jeremy will be a 5th year Aeronautical/Mechanical Engineer with a minor in Asian American Studies. He is part of the Davis Racing Dragons as well as an active member of the Asian American Association at UC Davis. He enjoys swimming, paintballing, dragonboating, archery, table tennis, and the urge to punch people. Unfortunately, Jeremy is unable to perform well in any sport that consists of a ball bigger than the human eye.

Jeremy was born on October 12th, 1983 in San Francisco, CA. He has two siblings, one whom which has recently graduated UC Davis. Procrastination is his strength and weakness; the ability to catch people's mistakes sometimes gets him in trouble. This summer, he took Orbital Mechanics (EAE189B) and Asian American Theory (ASA110) in Summer Session I. He will be moving out of The Trees Apartment Complex off of Lake and Russel Blvd. Although he possesses a truck and lives in Davis, he is rarely seen transporting other people's furniture or clothing.

If you see Jeremy around with an awkward haircut (for an Asian guy, that is), there is a high possiblity there was a dragon boat race the past weekend. Here are the styles that have been selected for past races:

Please feel free to make any suggestions into what kind of haircut Jeremy should use for the next race.