Old address: 67 1/2 Margaret Street
Other names:
Year built: before 1924
This was the home of Parnell Latour from 1933 or earlier; it is given as his address in the village directories from that year until his death. And yet his obituary gives his address as 67 Margaret Street.
Note: Usually, an address with 1/2 appended designates a house behind a house built directly on the street. But 67 1/2 Margaret Street appears to have been built right on Margaret Street. In the Sanborn maps of 1924 and 1931, no 67 Margaret Street appears. In later years, it would seem that the "1/2" was dropped from the address.
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, February 4, 1952
Miss Madeline Shaw, now residing in Rochester spent the weekend visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Edward Latour, and her uncle, Parnell Latour, of 67 1/2 Margaret street.