Mrs. Allan P. Whittemore was associated with Wyndover, the cottage of Baroness Sarah Phelps Stokes Halketton, Blood Hill in Saranac Lake, from January 27, 1932.
Malone Farmer, July 20, 1932
The personnel of the county organization formed to cooperate with the New York State Economic Council has been announced by Chairman Clarence E. Kilburn. Mr. Kilburn also announced appointment of an executive committee of the county organization and a special committee to recommend reductions in the county budget...
The Board of Directors has been named as follows:... Allen [sic] P. Whittemore, Saranac Lake...
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, October 31, 1952
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Whittemore Jr., and three children, of Middleport, have returned home after visiting Mr. Whittemore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Whittemore, at Wyndover.
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, August 24, 1953
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Whittemore, of Wyndover, have had as their guests, Mrs. H. P. Dahlquist and daughter, Mollie, of Honolulu. Mrs. Dahlquist and her daughter have left for New York City and other eastern points to visit briefly before Miss Dahlquist enters college in the Fall. Mrs. Dahlquist will return to Honolulu. Miss Elisabeth Whittemore, of Binghamton, who is visiting her parents, will remain here for another week.