Trudeau Sanatorium Historic District, Reference Number 12
Year built: 1925
Architect: Scopes and Feustmann
Other names: American Management Association's Corporate Records Retention Building #1
The Animal House is a one-and-one-half story Tudor Revival-style building. The 2,788 square foot, rectangular, red brick building rests on a poured concrete foundation and is surmounted by a steeply pitched gable roof, with Flemish-style, parapeted gable ends. The roof is sheathed in asphalt shingles. There is a single-story projecting gabled entrance pavilion on the west side. Window openings are individual and grouped, with double-hung sash and six-over-one and four-over-four lights. In style, the Animal House resembles the Trudeau Laboratory, also on the sanatorium grounds, as well as the last additions to the Saranac Laboratory, in the Church Street Historic District.
It was built as a place to raise the laboratory animals needed for experiments and tests. From the beginning of his research, Dr. Trudeau had used a variety of animals, and his last public statement argued the necessity of animal testing in medical science. Around the same time, a wing was also added to the Saranac Laboratory on Church Street to raise the animals needed there. Marguerite Armstrong wrote that the Animal House is a "brick, fireproof building, harmonizing in construction with the [new — at that time — Trudeau] laboratory and situated behind the Scholfield Workship." 1 It is located near the Bacteriologist's Cottage, which was designed by the same architect and under construction at the same time by the same builder, Joseph J. O'Connell and Sons". 2
- Mary B. Hotaling, Draft nomination to the National Register of Historic Places, January 1993.
- National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
1. Armstrong Scrapbook #6, page 41.
2. Ibid., page 45.