The Blue Bird was a 55-seat tour boat built and operated by Captain Freeman Baker. It was the last of Baker's tour boats.
Lake Placid News, June 28, 1928
The popular Blue Bird has begun its 30-mile summer cruises through the state locks and into the lower Saranac lake with Captain Fred Kling again in charge.
This boat leaves Baker landing at Lake Flower avenue, Saranac Lake, at 2:30 p. m., Standard Time, arriving at Crescent Bay camp at four o'clock for refreshments. This cruise of lower Saranac lake, called by the Indians the lake of clustered stars, has proved extremely popular with summer Adirondack residents.
The Blue Bird may also chartered for private parties, it is announced by the management.
Excerpted from the Adirondack Daily Enterprise, December 2, 1989 (See Boating and Boat Building)
Crafts that cruised local waterways
By JOHN J. DUQUETTE Freeman Baker in his famous Blue Bird offered the typical cruise, consisting of a departure from Lake Flower, a trip through the river locks, and a tour of Lower Saranac Lake. The Blue Bird would leave Baker's Boat Landing at 2:30 p.m., arrive at the Ampersand Hotel at 4 p.m., and complete the 30-mile round trip at 5:30 p.m.