Commuting to work has its pros and cons.

If you take public transit or drive your car commutting can take a big chunk of time out of you life. Below is a little chart indicating how much time your commutes translates into over time.

Commutting Times

To Work - Minutes Back Home - Minutes Daily Total - Minutes Hours a Day Hours Spent in a 5 Day Work Week In 1 Year - Hours In 1 Year - Days
30 30 60 1 5 250 10
45 45 90 1.5 7.5 375 16
60 60 120 2 10 500 21
75 75 150 2.5 12.5 625 26
90 90 180 3 15 750 31
105 105 210 3.5 17.5 875 36
120 120 230 4 20 1000 42

*(assuming you get 2 weeks vacation)

Some ideas to reduce your commutte

  • Move closer to your work
  • Does your work have a closer office you can get transferred to?
  • See if you can telecommute for some if not all of your shifts
  • Car Pool