In Dec. 2012, City Council unanimously passed an ordinance increasing fines and penalties for individuals caught tagging. The ordinance was developed by councilwoman Nancy Nadel and City Attorney Barbara Parker. [source]
A supplemental report was issued to clarify that this ordinance does not establish a program.
A note from City Administrator Deanna Santana's Budget Policy memo dated 5/13/13:
However, the ordinance does create some new responsibilities, and related service expectations, for the City. The City, like private property owners, is required to remove graffiti that is visible from the street or right of way within a certain time period once notified by the City Administrator. To implement this, the proposed budget includes two painter positions, supported by Fund 1720 (Comprehensive Clean-Up). In the agenda report dated December 11, 2012 from the City Attorney and Councilmember Nadel, it stated:
“This ordinance should not have any negative fiscal impacts, but may produce additional revenue through cost recovery and penalties. The City Council and City Administrator will need to assess personnel and fiscal needs for enforcement and administration. The Committee should consider asking City Administration to return with an enforcement and administration plan within the 60 day period after adoption and prior to the ordinance's effective date.” The supplemental report issued by the City Administrator on December 14, 2012 stated that, “we believe that the revenues will not cover the costs of a dedicated, comprehensive program. (To view the December 11 report, please visit: 8FF1D6AD8395
The potential revenue will be a result of the recovery of penalties associated with our ability to enforce it, which is unknown.” Therefore, if the City is to support the new requirements regarding abatement on public and private property, it will need additional staff, which will have to be supported by revenue apart from that generated by the ordinance, as that is not expected to fully cover the activity’s costs.
In the News:
Artz, Matthew. "Citywise: Oakland city administrator denies rumors that she's leaving position: Summary Summary Summary." Contra Costa Times: Dec 22, 2012.