JOBART (Justice on BART; originally Job Opportunities - BART 2,4) was an activist coalition in the 1960s started during the construction of BART.,
Tom Fike was co-chair, 1 and Elijah Turner is described as "a leader." 5 At a meeting at Beth Eden Baptist Church, JOBART expanded its concerns to include housing and business displacement. 1
Links and References
- American Babylon: Race and the Struggle for Postwar Oakland by Robert O. Self
- Racial Inequality in the Construction of a Global City by Darwin Bond Graham, 2005
- Untitled by Joanne Leonard, 2003.139.65.2, Oakland Museum of California collections
- BART Prodded to Keep Jobs Local Oakland Tribune September 27, 1965
- Aid Sought for Ousted Families Oakland Tribune May 4, 1966
- BART Asked to Push Minority Jobs Oakland Tribune February 8, 1966
- Mud Flys on Underbay Tube Oakland Tribune April 15, 1966
- 2,500 March in JOBART Protest Oakland Tribune June 6, 1966