
www.oakmayor2014.com is a website designed to be an information portal for the November 2014 Oakland mayoral election. This website is organized by Oaklanders Phil Tagami and Joshua Daniels who believe there needs to be a place where Oakland voters can come to get clear, unbiased information on the candidates and the issues.

Throughout the campaign season the site will grow to include information about ranked-choice voting, polling place information, how to register to vote, information on all of the candidates, candidate endorsements, links to news stories, etc. The mayoral candidates will also be asked questions on a regular basis throughout the campaign, and responses will be posted to the site.

Candidate Questions

Throughout the mayoral campaign, www.oakmayor2014.com will ask all of the candidates questions and then post all of their responses online. With 15 candidates for mayor, a traditional debate becomes all but impossible. Our hope with the candidate question section of the site is that by giving all the candidates ample time to respond and posting all the responses together, that it will make it easier for voters to meaningfully compare and contrast the positions of the candidates on numerous important issues.


Candidate Pages

All of the candidates for Mayor of Oakland have a candidate page on www.oakmayor2014.com. All candidates were given the chance to submit their own candidate statement, photograph, and are encouraged to submit new candidate endorsements as the campaigns receive them. Candidate pages also have links to the candidates' campaign websites, Twitter accounts, ballot designation, campaign finances, and links to all of the official FPPC campaign filings. As the candidates are asked questions, their responses are also added to the candidate pages.

Links to candidate pages on OakMayor2014:

Jason Anderson

Ken Houston

Rebecca Kaplan

Saied Karamooz

Peter Liu

Pat McCullough

Bryan Parker

Jean Quan

Courtney Ruby

Libby Schaaf

Nancy Sidebotham

Dan Siegel

Joe Tuman

Charles Williams

Eric Wilson

Voter Information

The site also includes extensive information on the voting process, voting by mail, Ranked-Choice Voting, how to register to vote, candidates' campaign finances, historical voter turnout, voting rights for those with convictions, and links and summaries of the latest relevant news articles on the Oakland mayoral race.

Links on OakMayor2014:

VOTER INFORMATION (Voting by mail, registering to vote, important dates, voting rights for those with convictions and/or incarcerated.

RANKED-CHOICE VOTING FAQ (Explanation of Ranked-Choice Voting, videos, links, and the history of Ranked-Choice Voting in Oakland.)

HISTORICAL VOTER TURNOUT (Analysis and overview of historical voter turnout in the City of Oakland.)

CAMPAIGN FINANCES (Total amount raised by each candidate, with links to all campaign filings.)