just a start----


The Market

has gone crazy in 2013!  it is also busiest around august, as that's when everyone's leases are ending and people are looking to move.


Where to Rent?

might wanna check out neighborhoods

house v apartment v room


Where to find rentals

LiveLovely - search via map
Trulia - also available as a smartphone app



Newspaper listings:
pick up a local newspaper - the Oakland Tribune, the Piedmonter, the Montclarion
SF Bay Guardian
SF Chronicle
East Bay Area Reporter - LGBT
East Bay Express
Mercury News

try your luck calling apartment complexes off of Google Maps

there are also individual realtor/property management sites:
Advent Properties
CCH - specializes in senior homes
Eri Rentals
Everest Properties
KLS Associates
Lantz Properties
SMC Rents

check also the wiki's Low Income Housing page


Recommended Landlords 


Slumlords of Note