'The Village' Tiny House Camp was located under the northwest quadrant of the MacArthur maze freeway interchange, in an open area of Grove Shafter Park. It was launched January 20, 2017 and ran until February 2, 2017. It was a coordinated effort of community groups (Feed the People, Asians for Black Lives), neighbors both housed and unhoused, and tradespeople, to offer relief from the wetter-than-average 2016/2017 winter rainy season.
In the wee hours of January 20, 2017, as the rest of the country was mobilizing to demonstrate against Donald J. Trump's inauguration, about 45 volunteers transported prefabricated components of what would become tiny houses to Grove Shafter Park.
Partially in response to complaints from neighbors, and also in light of the fact that the camp was constructed without permission, the City subsequently removed the camp.