2740 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz, Ca, 95062-1407
Bimbo Bakeries
(Date, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD)
Payment Method
Cash,  Credit Card, or coupon.

The Oroweat Outlet Stores are owned by Bimbo Bakeries.  They are the largest bread maker in the world.

The store sells the brands of   Thomas', Francisco, Entenmann's , Oroweat, EarthGrains, Tia Rosa, Sara Lee, Boboli  and a few others. Mosta are subsidiaries of Bimbo Bakeries,  a company based in Mexico.  They also sell a limited selection of  candy, ice cream, Odwalla drinks, spice mixes, coffee and snacks in seemingly random selections. The majority of items are loaf bread, rolls, bagels, English muffins, boxed donuts, cakes, and buns.

Most of the items are the "less than fresh" overstock from grocery stores that only sell the freshest items. However, this type of bread is formulated to have a long shelf life, and the vast majority of the items sold here have no noticeable difference from the bread items you would find in a grocery store, except the price. There is also a selection of "Fresh!" items that cost more, but still less overall than grocery store prices.

Prices and Discounts

Prices are generally 30% to 50% off retail listings, but savings can increase by using different types of discounts. You can use almost all discount simultaneously, unless it is explicitly written on the back wall that you cannot use one discount in combination with another discount.

For the maximum discount, shop on Sundays (for "blue line" specials and Double-punches on you card) while using coupons (ask at the register each time you shop there, and then use the coupons the next time you come).

The outlet does not accept manufacturer's coupons.

Punch Cards

These cards are valid at any Entenmann's outlet. Basically a frequent buyer card, the card has spaces indicating dollar values. After purchasing your items, the cashier crosses off boxes on the card equal to the number of dollars spent. Once the card has been "maxed out" by purchasing $20 or more worth of items (or $10 on double-punch days), the filled card is worth two free items of your choosing from the back wall or certain table displays. (Not all  brands are included in the selection of items you can get for free.)

The cards come in two colors- pink (for the public at large) and green (for senior citizens). According to one of the cashiers, they use a separate senior citizen's card because senior citizens can receive an additional discount on certain days, but some are self conscious about their age and don't want to explicitly ask for the discount. But by handing the cashier a green punch card, this spares them the trouble of asking for the discount but they get the discount anyway.

Buy $7 worth, get a free item

Near the cash register there is a rack of random items that vary from day to day. Whenever you spend a total of $7 or more, you get to select a free item from the rack. For every $7 you spend in a trip, you can select an item, with a limit of 5 free items. Sometimes the rack selection is varied, but sometimes it seems like nothing but Texas Toast or hamburger buns.

Special Value Days

Certain days of the week feature different types of savings:

  • Friday offers a 20% discount for Seniors on selected items
  • Sunday is "Double Punch Day", where you can receive 2 punches for every dollar you spend, thus requiring you to spend only $10 to get the two free items on your next visit.

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