
The Sonoma Valley Citizens Advisory Commission (SVCAC) is a county/city membership commission established in 1993 by a joint powers agreement between the County of Sonoma and the City of Sonoma. The SVCAC is a joint advisory agency with representation from the County of Sonoma and the City of Sonoma to share responsibility for local planning in the Sonoma Valley.

The purpose of the SVCAC is to provide a regular forum for citizen participation in the formation of public policy, consider issues concerning the Sonoma Valley, evaluate solutions of these issues, advise elected officials and other decision makers, and form a bridge for communication between the various governmental agencies and the general public.


The SVCAC is comprised of 11 Commissioners, 2 Alternates, 2 Ex-Officio members and 2 Emeritus members:

Garry Baker
Springs East
Jeff Baptista
City of Sonoma
Yvonne Bowers
City of Sonoma
Mark Bramfitt
Springs East
Rochelle Campana
North Valley
Greg Carr
County of Sonoma - Alternate
Mark Couchman
City of Sonoma - Alternate
Richard Fogg
County of Sonoma - Ex-Officio
Clarence Jenkins
El Verano West
Kirsten Lindquist
North Valley
William Pier
El Verano West
August Sebastiani
City of Sonoma - Ex-Officio
T. Patrick Smith
City of Sonoma
Pat Stevens
El Verano West
County of Sonoma - Emeritus
Ig Vella
City of Sonoma - Emeritus
Robert Williams
County of Sonoma - Ex-Officio
Cynthia Wood
South Valley


The SVCAC meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month, 6:30 p.m. The location changes but most meetings are held at the City of Sonoma Fire Station, 630 Second Street West .

To find agendas and other info about the SVCAC is available on the City of Sonoma website.

See Also