Bliss Avenue is a street in northern Woodland that runs north-south between East Keystone Avenue and Beamer Street. Bliss Avenue becomes 4th Street when it passes south of Beamer Street.
Bliss Avenue is situated east of Palm Avenue and west of Jackson Street.
The city has planted street trees along both sides of Bliss Avenue. The street trees include the invasive weed species Flowering Pear/Callery Pear (Pyrus calleryana). They also include Trident Maple (Acer buergerianum), Red Maple (Acer rubrum), Chinese Hackberry (Celtis sinensis), Maidenhair Tree (Ginkgo biloba), Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica), Fruitless Mulberry (Morus alba), Photinia (Photinia × fraseri), Chinese Pistache (Pistacia chinensis), and London Plane (Platanus × hispanica), and Cork Oak (Quercus suber).