Brushhollies are members of the Xylosma genus of the Willow family. The Willow family also contains Willow trees and Cottonwood trees. There are about 100 species of Brushholly.

Shiny Brushholly (Xylosma congesta) is planted as a privacy screen in North Cline Alley, which is part of Wayne Cline Park. Photo by queerbychoice.Shiny Brushholly (Xylosma congesta) is a spiny evergreen shrub from China. It usually grows 8 to 10 feet tall and equally wide. Shiny Brushholly plants are either male or female. Only male plants produce pollen, but male Shiny Brushholly is ranked 6 out of 10 on the Ogren Plant Allergy Scale, indicating a moderate tendency to cause hay fever. Shiny Brushholly is planted at Everman Park, Joseph Schneider Park, Wayne Cline Park, and Woodside Park. It is also planted as a street tree on East Gum Avenue.


Wikipedia: Xylosma congesta