The entrance gate to the Marysville Community Garden is decorated with welded-on garden tools. The gate was designed, fabricated, painted and donated by Olivehurst artist Inger Price. Photo by queerbychoice. The Marysville Community Garden is a community garden in Marysville. It is located on the south side of 2nd Street between Oak Street and C Street, across from the John Packard Library of Yuba County. It was established in January 2011. Two sizes of plots are available for rent: a 20-by-15-foot plot for $60 per year or a 10-by-15-foot plot for $30 per year. Most of the gardeners use their plots primarily for growing food.

All the garden plots at the Marysville Community Garden are rented, planted, and thriving. Photo by queerbychoice.


Facebook: Marysville Community Garden "Marysville Community Garden Taking Shape" by Nancy Pasternack, Appeal-Democrat, May 03, 2011