Tarweeds are annual or perennial forbs in the Anisocarpus, Calycadenia, Centromadia, Hemizonia, Holocarpha, Holozonia, Jensia, Kyhosia, and Madia genera of the Madieae tribe of the aster family. The Madieae tribe also contains goldfields and tidytips. Many tarweeds are native to the Yuba-Sutter area.



Whitecrown is a white-flowering tarweed that is native to Yuba County and typically grows at elevations below 2,000 feet. It is found in central oak woodland and valley grassland.

You can see pictures of it at CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa.

Bolander's Tarweed

Bolander's tarweed is a yellow-flowering tarweed that is native to Yuba County and typically grows at elevations between 3,500 and 8,300 feet. It is found in yellow pine forest.

You can see pictures of it at CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa.


Klamath Western Rosinweed

Klamath Western rosinweed is a white-flowering Western rosinweed that is native to Yuba County and typically grows at elevations below 4,000 feet. It is found in central oak woodland, valley grassland, and yellow pine forest.

You can see pictures of it at CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa.

Common Tarweed

Common tarweed (Madia elegans) in a garden in Marysville. Photo by queerbychoice. Common tarweed is a two- to six-foot-tall, yellow-flowering tarweed that is native to Yuba and Sutter Counties and typically grows at elevations below 11,000 feet. It is most often found on slopes in yellow pine forest and freshwater marsh.

You can see pictures of it at CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa. You can find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

Meager Tarweed

Meager tarweed is a yellow-flowering tarweed that is native to Yuba and Sutter Counties and typically grows at elevations below 8,200 feet. It is found in central oak woodland, valley grassland, and yellow pine forest. It tolerates serpentine.

You can see pictures of it at CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa. You can find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

Hayfield Tarweed

Hayfield tarweed (Hemizonia congesta) and California fuchsia in a garden in Marysville. Photo by queerbychoice. Hayfield tarweed is a two- to six-foot-tall, yellow- or white-flowering tarweed that is native to Yuba and Sutter Counties and typically grows at elevations below 4,600 feet. It is found in central oak woodland and valley grassland.

You can see pictures of it at CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa. You can find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

Fitch's Spikeweed

Fitch's spikeweed is a yellow-flowering tarweed that is native to Yuba and Sutter Counties and typically grows at elevations below 3,000 feet. It is most often found on slopes in central oak woodland and valley grassland.

You can see pictures of it at CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa.

Slender Tarweed

Slender tarweed is a yellow-flowering tarweed that is native to Sutter County and typically grows at elevations between 150 and 1,300 feet. It is found in central oak woodland and valley grassland.

You can see pictures of it at CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa.

Spiked Western Rosinweed

Spiked Western rosinweed is a yellow-flowering tarweed that is native to Yuba County and typically grows at elevations below 2,000 feet. It is most often found on slopes in central oak woodland and valley grassland.

You can see pictures of it at CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa.

Pitgland Tarweed

Pitgland tarweed (also called narrow yellowflower tarweed) is a yellow-flowering tarweed that is native to Yuba County and typically grows at elevations below 2,600 feet. It is found in ["central oak woodland" and valley grassland.

You can see pictures of it at CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa.

Ramm's Tarweed

Ramm's tarweed is a yellow-flowering tarweed that is native to Yuba County and typically grows at elevations between 1,300 and 5,200 feet. It is found in central oak woodland and yellow pine forest.

You can see pictures of it at CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa.

Sticky Western Rosinweed

Sticky Western rosinweed is a white-flowering Western rosinweed that is native to Yuba County and typically grows at elevations below 3,000 feet. It is most often found on slopes in central oak woodland and valley grassland. It tolerates serpentine.

You can see pictures of it at CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa. You can find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

Truncated Western Rosinweed

Truncated Western rosinweed is a yellow-flowering Western rosinweed that is native to Yuba and Sutter Counties and typically grows at elevations below 4,400 feet. It is found in central oak woodland and yellow pine forest. It tolerates serpentine.

You can see pictures of it at CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa.

Grassy Tarweed

Grassy tarweed is a yellow-flowering tarweed that is native to Yuba and Sutter Counties and typically grows at elevations below 7,800 feet. It is most often found on slopes in central oak woodland.

You can see pictures of it at CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa.

Plumpseed Tarweed

Plumpseed tarweed is a yellow-flowering tarweed that is native to Sutter County and typically grows at elevations below 1,600 feet. It is found in central oak woodland.

You can see pictures of it at CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa.

Smallflower Western Rosinweed

Smallflower Western rosinweed is a yellow-flowering tarweed that is native to Yuba and Sutter Counties and typically grows at elevations below 1,000 feet. It is found in central oak woodland. It tolerates serpentine.

You can see pictures of it at CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa.

Woodland Tarweed

Woodland tarweed is a yellow-flowering tarweed that is native to Yuba County. It is most often found on slopes in yellow pine forest.

You can see pictures of it at CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa.

Lemon-Scented Tarweed

Lemon-scented tarweed is a yellow-flowering tarweed that is native to Sutter County and typically grows at elevations between 1,400 and 5,200 feet. It is most often found on slopes in yellow pine forest.

You can see pictures of it at CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa.

Smooth Tarweed

Smooth tarweed is a yellow-flowering tarweed that is native to Sutter County and typically grows at elevations below 1,600 feet. It is found in riparian forest. It is equally likely to grow in wetlands or non-wetlands.

You can see pictures of it at CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa.

Pappose Tarweed

Pappose tarweed is a yellow-flowering tarweed that is native to Sutter County and typically grows at elevations below 1,400 feet.

You can see pictures of it at CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa. You can find out where to buy it at the California Native Plant Link Exchange.

Yosemite Tarweed

Yosemite tarweed is a yellow-flowering tarweed that is native to Yuba County and typically grows at elevations between 3,900 and 7,500 feet.

You can see pictures of it at CalPhotos, Flickr, and Picasa.