Free Movies With your city library card (or student ID at ISU) you are able to go to the Bloomington Public LibraryHeartland Community College’s, and Illinois State University's  library and check out movies/DVDs for free. At the  Normal Public Library, movies/DVDs cost $1 to rent for 1 week.

Movies in the Mail Netflix can be delivered to your house by ordering the DVD’s online. With Netflix, you can order movies on your Wii and the system will deliver to your DVD to your gaming system. With Blockbuster you go to website, log in, add DVD’s to your QUE, then submit the order. The movies will arrive to your house in 2 business days.

Stores There are 3 Family Video locations in Bloomington-Normal. They are located on Airport Road, Clinton Street, and Cottage.

Red Box Locations There are many Red Box locations in Bloomington-Normal. They are at every Walgreen’s in Bloomington-Normal. There is a Red Box at Kroger, Schnucks, Walmart, Meijer, Jewel, Cub Foods and Thorton’s Gas Station. You can only rent movies at Red Box with a credit card. Your credit card is charged for every night that you have the movie. However, if you exceed 25 days of having the movie without turning it back in, the movie is yours to keep.

Movie Theaters In Bloomington-Normal there are 4 movie theaters. Starplex on McKnight Drive, Galaxy on Wylie Drive, Palace on Detroit Avenue, and The Normal Theater in Uptown Normal. The cheapest way to go about watching movies in the theater is to go during a matinee and bringing your own snacks. This would be ideal at Starplex and Galaxy because they are both located near grocery stores. Make sure you bring a large satchel to securely store your snacks and ensure that they will safely enter the building.