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Mystery Picture

Can you guess where in or around Chico this picture was taken, or identify its contents? Anything covered in the Wiki is fair game.

Where in Chico does this mural brighten up the cityscape?

Where have you seen it? Click here to guess!


Guesses and spoilers! Older mystery pictures are saved and cataloged. Here are some helpful non-binding rules on what makes a good mystery picture.


Where in Chico does "X" win a tic-tac-toe game? MarthaWetter correctly guessed that it is on the Auditorium Building, which houses the Crazy Horse

2011-08-03 15:41:05   Shasta Elementry School! —

2011-08-03 23:10:25   The Mural at the Chico Museum of course! Right? —

2012-01-11 14:00:47   It's the old schoolhouse up at Cherokee. My mom and her six brothers and sisters attended it. << I think heheh ... >> —