Here is the text of the DCR Press Release regarding the endorsement of LEAD for President/Vice-President
Contact: George Andrews - [email protected]
DCR Endorses LEAD Presidential Ticket: Over 5 years of bitter feuds between LEAD and DCR come to a standstill
WEDNESDAY, February 16, 2005 - The Davis College Republicans voted unanimously to endorse the LEAD Presidential ticket after hearing from both LEAD and Student Focus slates at this Wednesday's weekly meeting.
"We believe that Student Focus has shown over the past year and continues to demonstrate that they are no longer worthy of our staunch support due to the abuse of their veto pen," said DCR Chairman Ryan Clumpner. "Despite significant historical differences, the current LEAD slate has demonstrated to share many of the same values as our members, such as fiscal responsibility, increased accountability to the student body and respect for all groups on campus. On the issues that matter most, we are virtually in complete agreement."
The DCR-LEAD coalition solidified when the slate made a promise to support both the Pledge bill and the Flag bill during a question and answer session at the DCR meeting. The Pledge bill would make the Pledge of Allegiance a part of ASUCD Senate meetings. The Flag bill would put a U.S and California State flag in the ASUCD Senate room for meetings. Currently, the vast majority of legislative bodies in the United States display the U.S Flag and use the Pledge of Allegiance.
"The Pledge and Flag bill have been historically important issues to our membership. Student Focus has yet to even consider this issue since taking control of the Executive office after years of DCR's unwavering support" said Clumpner.
DCR intends to throw the full weight of its support behind LEAD, similar to the DCR efforts undertaken during the stunning election of ASUCD Senator Keith Shively in Fall 2004. "DCR believes this coalition will be a powerful force in upcoming election and we intend to make our endorsement meaningful," said Clumpner. "This fracture in our once concrete Focus voting bloc can result in a major swing in the election. We expect a high turnout in favor of LEAD among our members and look forward to working with LEAD to make ASUCD a respectable and effective student government once again."
2005-02-17 09:36:42 Hey George. Who is DCR endorsing for Senate? —RobRoy
2005-02-17 10:15:59 fox —GeorgejAndrews
2005-02-17 18:03:47 Its funny that after 5 years of voting for the lesser evil, DCR has finally realized that the lesser evil has been useless in providing anyone other than themselves with anything of any value... —PaulAmnuaypayoat
2005-02-18 09:15:41 Paul you squish. You are just bitter because Focus whooped you when you ran for senate. I hope this doesn't come back to bite DCR in the butt, but more power to 'em. —ChrisMays
2005-02-18 18:53:34 Haha Chris, its good that you made it to the Wiki. But seriously, there is much evidence that they have cheated over these years, and tell me, what have they given to you or DCR? Most of their slate members are against conservatives, and against fiscal responsability. I might say that voting for Student Focus = communism —PaulAmnuaypayoat
2005-02-18 20:45:24 Funny thing that Student Focus ran and got elected a conservative last year, guess they are all really against conservatives eh? It is also well known that Focus isn't the only group to do illegal campaigning = cheating, oh well. —JennyMays
2005-02-18 23:04:14 I think the women of DCR had a stronger attraction to the LEAD presidential canidates than the males of DCR had to the Focus presidential canidates —JamesSchwab
2005-02-18 23:13:17 Re Jenny: Thats why I said most. Yes, they almost always have a token conservative, but cmon. They have no problem allowing people such as Cari Ham to not only harass conservatives, they reward her with positions of influence. They promised the Pledge and the Flag for you guys years ago, something that costs no money, yet have failed to deliver after having all of that control of the government over all of those years. While supporting them at one time in the past may have been the better choice for many of you, it is now time to capitalize on the fact that you can elect your own people, such as Keith Shively. Student Focus is dead, especially after losing the hearts and minds of DCR, which is still one of the most influential political groups on campus. I am not saying that LEAD or anyone else is perfect, but at this point any defense of Student Focus is futile. —PaulAmnuaypayoat
2005-02-19 23:58:18 Kalen's veto of the 2/3 spending referendum bill is an example of where the LEAD slate is the more conservative, fiscally. Another useful fact: the LEAD slate is running Andrew Wong, who is in ROTC (which means conservative, even though he's not an open conservative). Face it - since the IRS, LEAD's dangerous stuff isn't all that dangerous. —KenBloom
2005-02-20 00:00:29 JamesSchwab: The attractiveness of the candidates is the subject of a running debate between the men and women of DCR. They agree to disagree, and so we based our nomination on other factors. —KenBloom
I just wanted to say how pleasing it is to see DCR rescind its support for Student Focus, which is the cadre party of student government that serves as the perfect example of how the movie "Election" and reality collide at UCDavis. I applaud the criticism at the abuse of the veto, which Kalen Gallagher and Student Focus seems to have repeatedely used to further ruin the state of the organization that we all pay to support. Repubican or Democrat, Libertarian or Green, no one want their government to waste their money and no rational person could continue to support those that do just that. —RobertBaron
2007-02-16 19:35:55 Oh how the winds of time change the picture. The majority of current LEAD candidates sadly do not support the ROTC according to DCR. They didn't like that. —GregWebb
2007-02-17 02:09:50 LOL. Greg is uninformed. —JamesSchwab
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