Davis College Republicans (DCR) logo from 2013 to current, artwork by Alex Tavlian

Center for Student Involvement, Box #145 One Shield Avenue Davis, California 95616
Meeting Location and Time
7:30 p.m. Tuesdays
125 Olson Hall
Facebook Group
DCR Website

Davis College Republicans (DCR) is a conservative political group on the UC Davis campus and a chapter of California College Republicans, which is a state chapter of the College Republican National Committee. As an active conservative group on campus, DCR provides much needed diversity to a left-leaning campus. DCR provides, to quote Paul Harvey, "The rest of the story" for those individuals interested in keeping an open mind toward both political parties.

In addition to providing much needed diversity, DCR has served as a stepping-stone for many members into the field of politics. The current occupations alumni range from Campaign Managers for targeted (real) Assembly and Senate Races to Congressional Legislative Directors. It serves as a very valuable asset to the California Republican Party through the various objectives of the club: ranging from providing training resources for new members to assisting with grassroots Republican efforts.

The determination to establish a solid conservative presence on the UC Davis campus has made DCR historically one of the most successful campus clubs in California. DCR membership ballooned to over 800 in the 2003-04 school year, making it one of the largest clubs on campus.

Because varying beliefs can be found even within the membership of political parties, DCR does not officially endorse Republican candidates who are competing in primary elections with other Republicans. Naturally whatever the outcome of the primary election in question may be, DCR will support the Republican Party's nominee for that particular office. DCR does provide a forum for its members to meet others who may be supporting their preferred candidate and will allow them to pursue building their own coalitions.

They encourage all students who have conservative inclinations of any kind to join and invite anyone who is curious to attend one of their weekly meetings and meet the group. Weekly meetings may consist of discussing policy issues, examining candidates, listening to speakers from off campus, and giving students a forum to discuss passions and frustrations.

History of Davis College Republicans

DCR Fall 2013 with 7th Congressional District candidate Elizabeth Emken DCR Fall 2013 with 7th Congressional District candidate and UCD alumni Igor Berman DCR with then-California Gubernatorial candidate and California Assemblyman Tim Donnelly (R-Twin Peaks) DCR with California Republican Gubernatorial candidate Neal Kashkari


2014 Winter ASUCD Endorsements

After 8 years of not endorsing ASUCD candidates, The Davis College Republicans endorsed Ryan Wonders and Sumeeta Ghai of the NOW Slate for the Executive Office.

DCR also endorsed Artem Senchev, Zeenat Yahya, Gulraj Gul Gill, Diana Lopez Solorzano, Amelia Helland, and Anthony Gil.

DCR opposed Save the Aggie fee hike.

2006 Winter ASUCD Endorsements

The Davis College Republicans endorsed and successfully worked towards the campaign of MichaelMolnar.

2005 Winter ASUCD Endorsements

LEAD for ASUCD President/Vice-President - DCR's logic in endorsing Press Release - DCR Endorsement

The Davis College Republicans endorsed and worked towards the successful campaign of Eric Fox

2004 Fall ASUCD Endorsements

The Davis College Republicans endorsed and worked towards the successful campaign of Keith Shively.

Recent Events

DCR guest speakers in 2005 included Actor and Comedian John Ohurley, Former US Treasurer Rosario Marin, Former Congressman Jim Rogan, Author and activist David Horowitz, and KFBK talk show host Mark Williams. In 2007 DCR brought former PLO terrorist Walid Shoebat to Freeborn Hall to give a lecture on the dangers of terrorism and radicalism.

Oct. 2, 2011: Davis College Republicans travelled to South San Francisco to support wounded veterans in the Ride to Recovery bicycle tour.

Sept. 27, 2011: Davis College Republicans joined Berkeley College Republicans on their campus to support their "Increase Diversity Bake Sale."

Youtube video of the Bake Sale in Berkeley, put together by the Davis College Republicans

On May 28, 2014, DCR elected their new leaders for the 2014-2015 school year[see below].

On March 11, 2015, DCR held a special election to replace Chair Alexandra Sherer, Vice-Chair Julian Del Real-Calleros, and Secretary Justin Zamora, all who had resigned to pursue other projects. In the course of the elections, every position was vacant as other DCR officers ran for the vacant positions. The new editions to the board are Edwin Borbon, Nicholas Francois, and Alec Laube.

On May 27, 2015, DCR elected their new leaders for the 2015-2016 school year [see below]. In the outcome of the elections, DCR elected its first openly-gay officer, Edwin Borbon. Later in that same school year, he became the first openly-gay Chair of DCR.

In January of 2016, the Chair resigned to pursue other obligations and Edwin Borbon (Vice Chair) assumed the duties of Chair. In February, a special election was held for Vice Chair. In the outcome of the election, Nicholas Francois became Vice Chair and the first openly-bisexual officer of DCR. The following week, Steven An was appointed as Executive Director, becoming the 3rd DCR officer to be a part of the LGBT+ community. 


2015-2016 Leadership

  • Chairwoman: Sarah Merson, succeeded by Edwin Borbon on January 9, 2016
  • Vice-Chairman: Edwin Borbon, succeeded by Nicholas Francois on February 5, 2016
  • Secretary: Deborah Porter
  • Treasurer: Alec Laube
  • Communications Director: Gabrielle McDowell
  • Executive Director: Nicholas Francois, succeeded by Steven An on February 12, 2016

2014-2015 Leadership

  • Chairwoman: Alexandra Sherer, succeeded by  Julia Hoy on March 11, 2015
  • Vice-Chairman: Julián Del Real-Calleros, succeeded by Sarah Merson on March 11, 2015
  • Communications Director: Sarah Merson, succeeded by Edwin Borbon on March 11, 2015
  • Treasurer: Cameron Kelly, succeeded by Alec Laube on March 11, 2015
  • Secretary: Justin Zamora, succeeded by Nicholas Francois on March 11, 2015
  • Executive Director: Julia Hoy, succeeded by Cameron Kelly on March 11, 2015

Previous Leadership

2013-2014 Leadership

  • Chairwoman: Lindsey Harden
  • Vice-Chairman: Chris Telfer
  • Communications Director: Alex Tavlian
  • Treasurer: Lydia Williams
  • Secretary: Karen Blodgett
  • Executive Director: Julián Del Real-Calleros

2012-2013 Leadership

  • Chairman: Patrick Howser
  • Vice-Chairman: Dustin Call
  • Communications Director: Adam Castle
  • Treasurer: Gagan Kaur
  • Secretary: Lindsey Harden
  • Adviser to the Board: Charles Seamount

2011-2012 Leadership

  • Chairman: Marcus Shibler
  • Vice-Chairman: Bryan McPartlan
  • Communications Director: Dustin Call
  • Treasurer: Brandon Butera
  • Secretary: Nelson Harris
  • Adviser to the Board: Charles Seamount

2010-2011 Leadership

  • Chairman: Mark B.
  • Secretary: Ally D.
  • Treasurer: Brandon B.

2008-2009 Leadership

  • Chairman: Izaak Pichardo
  • External Vice Chair: Gordon Lake
  • Internal Vice Chair: Tierney Burke
  • Treasurer: Elaina White

2007-2008 Leadership

  • Chairwoman: Allison Daley
  • External Vice Chair:Danielle Vaticano
  • Internal Vice Chair: Pete Markevich
  • Treasurer: Benjamin Ybarra


DCR protests UC Davis speaker Cindy Sheehan.


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2007-03-01 23:31:32   Was DCR affiliated with the Cindy Sheehan protest? —StevenDaubert

  • 2007-03-01 23:34:02   There were some Republican members but I can't confirm if it was an official group function —SteveOstrowski
    • 2007-03-02 20:23:00   Did you mean to say that you aren't sure if it was an official group function? The phrasing as it is leaves open the possibility that you know and you just can't say. —JasonAller
    • I am going to talk to an officer in DCR to confirm either way. A lot of them were at the protests but DCR wasn't in a position to control everyone who just happened to be there protesting. DCR can certaintly tell people what is going on, but it may not have been an "official" event. —SteveOstrowski

In afterthought and for the record I knew the guy who championed it and how he was tied to DCR (before I asked) I just wanted to watch Steve hem and haw with some BS. —StevenDaubert

2008-06-28 19:07:16   I'm glad you guys post the names of the people who run your jolly band of mislead morons. —Kicker

  • I'm glad you find yourself able to engage in meaningful, mutually respectful discourse. —JoePomidor

2008-09-23 14:34:17   In the 2006-2007 academic year they offered free tap beers at woodstocks along with pizza and bread sticks. Pretty much the best free food event I was ever able to attend. —600burger

2008-11-26 08:21:08   Have you guys thought about getting protection as a minority group on campus? I don't envy you. I don't sympathize either. But I definitely don't envy you. —condemned2bfree

  • Why would they need protection? —DavidGrundler
  • What does "protection as a minority group" even mean? Armed guards? Convoys? Helicopter escorts? —PaulHarms
  • The ACLU would be a nice start. - GregWebb

2011-09-22 23:23:21   Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone who is going to the event on Saturday would be willing to carpool. Let me know! Thanks :) —CarliCiatti

  • Well I guess you made it to the veterans bike ride the week after! We are glad to have you as part of our club, and this is a message for those who seek to keep us "in the closet", WE ARE BACK! and we are not afraid to stand for what we know, in our hearts, is right. —JonathanSooHoo

2011-10-02 20:33:01   Wish I was around when they used to do some IRL trolling. Now they're all just oriented towards creating career politicians. That's no fun. —hankim

  • 2011-10-02 23:34:24   I would hardly call trying to increase diversity "trolling". The inherent racist nature of affirmative action is hardly defined as trolling, but rather a serious issue, and a serious problem in American society. Additionally, we will be doing more activities, for example, today more than 10 republicans went to San Francisco to support a wounded veterans bike ride. JonathanSooHoo
    • Trolling = doing something to get a rise out of someone. In a place like Berkeley, going against anything like affirmative action is trolling the majority of its inhabitants. —hankim
      • Trolling denigrates the message that we supported, a message of increasing diversity. JonathanSooHoo
        • You guys really have a stick up your asses now. —hankim

2011-10-02 20:34:25   Does the DCR take a stand on the Tea Party? —CovertProfessor

  • 2011-10-02 23:39:46   I am not sure if the Davis College Republicans stand for the Tea Party, perhaps I can explain exactly what the Davis College Republicans stand for, and you can make your own assessment: We, at DCR, stand for the notion that fiscal responsibility is not an outdated idea, and that a government with a 14 trillion dollar deficit should not rely on just raising the debt ceiling, with no serious plan of how to reduce the deficit is simply unsustainable. While we, as a group, do support social conservative causes, we focus mainly on the economic policies, which leadership in Washington, all too often, neglects. As an aggregate, we think that Barack Obama has failed America, not the other way around. President Obama campaigned on a message of hope and change, as message South Carolina Senator Jim Demint described as "Conservative", but instead President Obama has delivered nothing more than the same old politics of Washington DC, where the words of "fiscal responsibility" ring upon deaf ears. —JonathanSooHoo
    • Hmm, doesn't really answer the question. Surely those who care enough about politics to join a group like this are familiar enough with the Tea Party to be able to judge whether or not they agree. Instead, it seems as though you are well on your way to being politicians yourselves. —CovertProfessor
      • It does, everyone has different definitions of what the tea party is, and there is even debate among us, about what the tea party means. I simply told you what we believe, and I will let you make your own judgement. To quote a President, “It’s precisely the pursuit of ideological purity, the rigid orthodoxy, and the sheer predictability of our current debate, that keeps us from finding new ways to meet the challenges we face as a country. It’s what keeps us locked in ‘either/or’ thinking”.—JonathanSooHoo
        • Ok, I will be more specific. Do you support Rick Perry? Michele Bachmann? etc. —cp
          • We, as a college republican group, have not endorsed any candidate for President. While some do support Governor Perry, others also support Governor Romney, or Huntsman. Actually, we do not all agree on who is best. I personally, not speaking for the club, am undecided. As for Michele Bachmann, as far as I know, none of the officers support her, we have a large club, so I do not want to speak for the other members. —JonathanSooHoo
            • To be honest, this is the sort of answer I really expected you to give in the first place, something like, "we disagree on the Tea Party, some in favor, some not." But I thought I'd ask anyway in case the answer was different than I expected. I certainly didn't expect a wishy-washy politician-style non-answer, though! But now, reading between the lines, I get the feeling that you all consider yourselves Tea Partiers, but that you disagree about what it means to be a Tea Partier. And that is quite interesting. —CovertProfessor
              • I responded by explaining that there actually is an "S" at the end of the Davis College Republican-s, as odd as it sounds, we received over 120 sign ups in the first week, we had over 30 people at our first meeting. So really, my point is this simple: when you have such an abundance of opinions, it is not easy to say "DCR supports the Tea party" or "DCR supports Michele Bachmann". I cannot speak for other members, and I will not - its simply not fair for you to ask me that, then when I tell you we have a diverse group of opinions, cast my answer as politician-style. Personally, I do not consider myself a tea partier, but do agree with some, albeit not all, of the things they say. JonathanSooHoo
                • No, go back and look at your original response. You could have just said, "The DCR doesn't take a stand on the Tea Party, because its members disagree." But you did not say that. I think you need to work on your straightforward answers. —cp
    • Typical career politician response. DOWN WITH THE SYSTEM! —hankim
      • I guess you could say I probably shouldn't even respond to this but I will: far from it actually, I mean ideas of fiscal responsibility, talk of a 14 trillion dollar deficit, and having a plan to actually reduce it? Frankly, that does not sound like a career politician response, but it sounds like SOME CHANGE WE CAN ALL BELIEVE IN! —JonathanSooHoo
        • Actually, that line is used so much these days that it's even coming from the Democrats. —hankim
          • Well certainly it has not been through their actions. I cannot tell you how many people I have talked to who told me that they don't really consider themselves Republican, but they are sick and tired of the failed economic policies of the Obama administration. —JonathanSooHoo
            • And I can't tell you how many Republicans who have told me that they are disgusted with the craziness of the Tea Party, and want to leave their party because of it. —cp

2011-10-04 00:28:25   Agreed that this club actually used to be far more interesting. The active membership TANKED between 2007 until 2009 because instead of being a place for people interested in some aspect of conservative/libertarian politics to hang out, do some cool things (yup trolling indeed) and drink, it became just another political machine interested only in the phony politics of making/working for politicians. It's that crap that turned off a neighbor of mine from joining after he attended a few meetings last year. LAME and depressing. —OliviaY

2015-04-29 14:19:38   I just heard about a reference to the 'illegal immigration game' in the open letter that was sent out by a large group of students to the administration. Did it happen in 2007 AND 2011? It happened twice. Also, it seems that their response, if it is the same as the one posted above here, wasn't too apologetic. —EricJensen