The Elmwood Neighborhood Association is but one of the many Neighborhood Associations in the City of Davis.

Currently this neighborhood is dealing with the planned multi-faith housing project proposed by Cal Aggie Christian Association on Russell Blvd. The neighborhood, along with CA House fraternity & sorority neighbors on Russell Blvd., while supportive of the spirit of the project mission, feels that the project is too big (six 4-bedroom homes on one lot for 48 people) and are requesting a smaller project. It has been acknowledged that the residents who live directly behind and next to the lot will be negatively impacted and the privacy would be worsened by an apartment complex 10 feet from their backyard fences. Supporters of the project cite the need for student housing close to campus.

Because CA House feels that the apartments will not generate the revenue desired with a lower occupancy, there's no chance for compromise. Either the Elmwood Neighborhood Association will get what it wants, or the CA House will.

The California Aggie holds no love for them.


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