June 16-Aug. 22:  Chester Creek Concert Series, Tuesday evening concerts starting at 7 pm.




In addition to the beautiful sounds of nature found throughout the area, Duluth has a number of interesting man-made sounds.

One favorite is the sound of vehicle traffic traveling across the lift bridge. It's hard to describe, but the rubber-on-metal-grate hum is soothing in its own peculiar way. A great place to listen is just underneath the bridge, along the lakewalk.

Also pleasant, and heard throughout the city during shipping season, is the blowing horns of ships calling on the bridge to make way, along with the bridge's characteristic response. (Add description?)

Strange creaking, grumbling sounds permeate the wee hours of the night, probably due to shipyard activity.

Helicopters flying in very low temperatures (eg. -20F) can at times sound like a blender crushing ice cubes for a magarita. This sound can be somewhat disconcerting to residents!


For those who can't enjoy the sights directly, there are a number of streaming webcams available: http://www.duluthharborcam.com/


For more:

Dancing to the sounds of the Duluth harbor, http://news.minnesota.publicradio.org/features/2004/02/10_hemphills_harbormusic/?refid=0

Lift Bridge Boat Signals, http://www.duluthharborcam.com/2013/12/lift-bridge-boat-signals.html