Fifth or 6th annual month-long festival (Sep 6-30) celebrating local indie music. The festival started in San Francisco then expanded to include Oakland and now is almost exclusively in Oakland.
This festival — co-produced by the East Bay Express — will take place at various local venues. Events include music, craft nights, trivia, art panels and more. Some events are free, some are all ages and some suggest advance tickets. Check carefully! Most of the bands playing are local.
The festival is curated by Kiyomi Tanouye aka "Invisible Pony." See an article in the Express for more about Tanouye and the festival.
Shows are still being added and lineups are subject to change, so check Facebook for updates
Current Lineup
Friday, September 6
Uptown Opening Party
Naytronix (members of Tune-Yards)
Clipd Beaks
FREE 21+ 9 p.m.
Rock Paper Scissors Collective
Experimental Notations
Art Opening
Curated by Jeff Ray, Sarah Lockhart, Chris Duncan, and Ara Jo
Featuring: Jorge Bachmann, James Cordas, Gregg Horton, Bob Marsh, Jeff Ray, James Seevers, Christina Stanley, and Elia Vargas
FREE ALL AGES 5-8 p.m.
Children's Fairyland (co-present)
Drawn Together
Fairyland | live art | music | food | adults 21+
$15 admission
tickets available at
6-9 p.m.
Saturday, September 7
The Night Light (Jack London Square)
Mortar and Pestle
Yassou Benedict
Ted the Block
$7 21+ 9 p.m.
Book Zoo
Bleak Tails
Chonk and the Ghostfiddler
Scott Alexander
$5 (Suggested Donation) All Ages 7 p.m.
Adobe Books (San Francisco)
Experimental Notations Opening
Featuring: Canner MEFE, James Cordas, Chris Duncan, Gretchen Jude, Nicholas Kanozik, Cheryl Leonard, Sarah Lockhart, Collin McKelvey, Jeff Ray, Ben Tinker with Sharmi Basu, and Voicehandler.
3130 24th St, San Francisco, CA
FREE All Ages 6-10 p.m.
Sunday, September 8
Rock Paper Scissors Collective
Team Print Shop Screenprinting Workshop
FREE (donation for supplies) ALL AGES 3-5 p.m.
The Starry Plough (Berkeley)
Art Beat Bazaar
All My Pretty Ones
Agony Aunts
Moonshine Maybelline
Antonette Goroch
FREE All Ages 3-7 p.m.
MCO Pub Trivia Night
FREE All Ages 6 p.m.
Wednesday, September 11
The Stork Club
Diesel Dudes
Urth Dance
Herschel Krom
$5 21+ 9 p.m.
Thursday, September 12
Rock Paper Scissors Collective
Danny Paul Grody
Skyscraper Mori
$5 suggested donation All Ages 7 p.m.
The Starry Plough (Berkeley)
M. Lockwood Porter
Learning Team (WA)
Frozen Folk
$6 21+ 9 p.m.
Friday, September 13
Book Zoo
Film Night!
Featuring: Lauren Soldano, Teppei Ando, Japhy Riddle, Alese Osborn, Adam Harms, and Stephen Newell.
FREE All Ages 7 p.m.
The Night Light (Jack London Square)
Wild Hunt
Badr Vogu
Northern Bastard
Cron (Seattle)
$7 21+ 9 p.m.
Saturday, September 14
The Legionnaire (Uptown)
Art Beat Foundation Co-Present
Eight Belles
Laura Benitez & the Heartache
$10 21+ 9 p.m.
Sunday, September 15
Riot Now: Bay Area Women Making Music in a Post-Riot Grrrl Era
Rock, Paper, Scissors Collective, 4 p.m.
This panel, made up of a cross section of Bay Area artists, promotors and industry professionals seeks to interrogate the question of where we are today as women in music, what successes we have made and what have yet to address.
The Night Light (Jack London Square)
MCO+ Mashi Mashi Co-present
Midday Veil
Time Release
DJs Selaroda and Mashi Mashi
$7 21+ 9 p.m.
Wednesday, September 18
Good Bellies Cafe (Temescal)
Pleasure Leftists (Cleveland)
Wild Moth
Thursday, September 19
25th Street (Happy hour show)
Art Beat Night
Phoebe Hastings
Amoeba (Berkeley)
In Store ith Bastille (UK)
Free with Record purchase All Ages 3 p.m.
Rock Paper Scissors Collective
Lady Beaver
Super Califas
Vviolent Vickie
$5 Suggested Donation All Ages 6 p.m.
Friday, September 20
The Stork Club
Victory and Associates
Arthur T & the OMGz
Detach Dolls
$6 21+ 9 p.m.
The Totally Intense Fractal Mindgaze Hut
Loves in Heat Records Showcase
Field Trips
Jonathan Beast and the Bathroom Floor
$7 ALL AGES 9 p.m.
Saturday, September 21
25th Street Block Party at the 25th Street Collective
Waiting Room (Oakland)
Playboy School (LA)
Super Natural (Oakland)
Yip Deceiver (Athens, GA members of Of Montreal)
Vir (Oakland)
FREE All Ages 1-6 p.m.
The Night Light (Jack London Square)
El Elle
Gold Chains
Everyone is Dirty
Sssnake (Chicago/LA)
$7 21+ 9 p.m.
Sunday, September 22
Rock Paper Scissors Collective
Band 101 Workshop
FREE All Ages 3 p.m.
Tuesday, September 24
Good Bellies Cafe
Comedy Night Hosted by George Chen
Music: Yogurt Brains
Wednesday, September 25
The New Parish (co-present)
Joan of Arc
Twin Steps
Our Brother the Native
$12adv $14 doors 21+ 9 p.m.
The Stork Club
Jackie O Motherfucker
The Heroic Quartet
Inner Ear Brigade
$5 21+ 9 p.m.
Thursday, September 26
Rock Paper Scissors Collective
Craft Night Hosted by Allegra Rush
Music: Iron Henry
FREE All Ages
The New Parish
Metal Mother
Haceteria DJs
$10 21+ 9 p.m.
Friday, September 27
The Starry Plough (Berkeley)
Wild Assumptions
Saturday, September 28
The Uptown
Official MCO Closing Party
Daring ear
Casey Chisholm
$10 21+ 9 p.m.
Sunday, September 29
MCO Trivia Night
Free All Ages 6 p.m.