Tobogganing in the west side of Christie Pits Park. When the weather is just right and there's plenty of snow on the ground, there are a number of places you can go tobogganing and sledding.  To view these using a google maps interface, visit .

Tobogganing and Sledding Safety Tips

  • Before you head out, check the weather conditions to ensure it is safe as weather will affect the hill conditions (i.e. free of ice, not too cold, etc.).
  • Sled during the day, or on a well-lit hill at night (most injuries occur when lighting is poor).
  • Watch for signs at the hills to let you know if it is safe to toboggan there, and what the potential safety hazards may be.
  • When tobogganing, it is important to wear a helmet. A certified skiing/snowboarding or hockey helmet will do.
  • Pick a hill that has plenty of room to stop at the bottom, and has a safe place to walk back up the hill (away from people sliding down the hill).
  • Choose a sled/toboggan that is easy to control (avoid inner tubes, crazy carpets, flying saucers, garbage bags, snow racers, and cardboard boxes as they are hard to control).


Family in Christie Pits Park. Christie Street side of Christie Pits Park. Away they go! The Christie Pits soccer field in winter fills up with tobogganers at the end of their ride.