The Community Center Bike Leg is one of Woodland's officially designated bicycling routes that has continuous bike lanes throughout its length. The sections of this 1.8-mile partial route are as follows:

  1. This route diverges from the West Bike Loop at the intersection of El Dorado Drive and Coloma Way.
  2. Head east on El Dorado Drive until 6th Street (the northwest corner of Tredway Park).
  3. Head south on 6th Street until County Road 24A.
  4. Head east on County Road 24A; continue on Sports Park Drive (past the Woodland Community & Senior Center) until Matmor Road.
  5. Head north on Matmor Road until East Gum Avenue, where this route intersects with the Crosstown Bike Connector.

The West Bike Loop and the Crosstown Bike Connector meet back up again near The Bike Garage and again at the southwest corner of John Ferns Park.


Woodland Bicycle Map