Pirates don't like cars (you can tell because you can't really sail a car). Anonymous inside sources at the Human Pirate Alliance told us in advance that scores of pirates planned on reclaiming the streets of Davis from the car driven humans on Friday, September 28th, at 6pm. The pirates met at Central Park at 5:30 pm by the big oak tree to prepare their bicycle cannons, arrrrrgh!

Our sources also tell us that this was only a defensive action against the car invasion and should not be viewed as aggressive in nature, rather meant to reclaim stolen pirate seas. Humans who unfortunately find themselves car driven at the moment of this action should remain calm. The pirates will not curse when approached. Drive slowly as if your children were playing in the street. Honking soothes the pirates. Honk if you love the pirates. Encourage the pirates to ride their bicycles. The pirates will be less of a menace to civil society the faster they get to the Putah Creek.

This may be an annual event. This page has nothing to do with the Zombies Reclaim the Streets page or Critical Mass.


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2007-09-17 07:10:30   arrrrrr! —jefftolentino

2007-09-18 09:06:49   pirates rule. —PxlAted

2007-09-19 00:51:53   What about the ninjas?!? —MichelleAccurso

Ninjas, being masters of stealth, would not announce their presence so obviously :)

2007-09-19 01:06:25   I was on Flickr and I saw a Pirate Flag attached to the Flickr logo. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirate_DayJedron

2007-09-19 07:59:33   I wondered what was up with flickr's pirate flag. I can't speak for all pirates, but for myself, ninjas are totally welcome. together we can kick zombie ass. —PxlAted

2007-09-19 15:18:23   To de plank with dose nasty zombies. de streets arrrrh ourrrrs. ninja's arrrrh cool as long as dey ar not vs the pirates. If you arrrrrh and enemy of my enemy (zombies), den ya must be me friend. —RobertMcMurry

2007-09-24 10:43:00   Bicyclists are not seen as the underdog in Davis. To win the PR war, you can't be overreaching or else there may be blowback. Davis is a town where redress still works and the city council still listens. Direct peaceful protest should be the second to last step - this is not necessary in the current political atmosphere of davis. Participants are detracting from possible advance. You must take the highest road still available. Don't do this ride... —ChristopherMckenzie

  • ARGGGGGGGG!!!! Pirates don't give a rats fink about the PR war, the Imperial Empire will not fall unless we give it a boost from arrrrr bicycle cannons. —PxlAted

2007-09-24 10:49:04   Critical Mass isn't a protest in a lot of people's eyes —PhilipNeustrom

2007-09-24 10:54:12   While I won't be riding...I live in Sac and also usually walk everywhere...I never thought of these events as a protest against a certain policy, but more of an awareness campaign. Car driver's attitutdes towards bicyclists, I believe, is what these events are trying to change....not a law.

I have seen one of these in Sac recently...made me miss Davis. —JamesSchwab

2007-09-25 23:11:03   My mom makes the point that pirates don't really sail bikes either, unless they are very unlucky. Burn? —KellyCorcoran

  • Kelly, I think you and your mom may be surprised this Friday. I have a feeling we will see quite a few pirates sailing bicycles... —JasonMoore
  • While, indeed, you can't sail a bike, that's not the point. Bikes and ships both rely on renewable energy. That's why pirates like them. :) -wl

2007-09-29 23:15:29   How do I get in touch with someone who helps organize the Pirate Bicylists reclaim the streets, Zombies, Critical Mass, etc? Would love to do a story on them! Please email me at [email protected]. —Cary Arnold