Fortune Cottage

Address: 132 Bloomingdale Avenue

Old Address: 71 Bloomingdale Avenue

Other names: Gutshow Cottage (see Tray boys); Wareham-DeLair Architects.

Year built: c. 1920 (tax map)

Other information:           

Saranac Lake directories list residents as Vincent Crenski, John Donivan, Anthony Faass, Maude Fortune, Robert Fortune, Charles Gerclon, Kenneth Holland in 1925.  Maude M. Fortune is listed from 1933 through 1939, with A.J. Fortune listed in 1939.

In 1945 it is listed as the Gutshaw [sic] Nursing Cottage, and through 1969 the following residents are listed:  John H. Gutshow, Mrs. Margaret Gutshow, Harry G. Gutshow, K.W. Provost, Benjamin Balsam, Bernard Brown, Blanche Santimaw, and Mrs. Francena Washburn

In the late years of the 20th century, after the firm moved from offices in the Haase Block, this cottage housed the offices of Wareham-DeLair Architects, successors to the firm of Coulter & Westhoff, one of the longest-established architectural firms in New York State.

Bud Duffy lived next door, and worked as a tray boy for the occupants, who were Norwegian Seamen.

Norwegian Sailors known to have cured at the Fortune Cottage include Kaare Ole Lund, as well as the following:

Bjarne Aanesen       TB card
Olaf Berge   1920 1945 TB card; buried in Pine Ridge Cemetery
John L. Nyberg   10/7/1917 10/15/1944

TB card; buried in Pine Ridge

The large empty lot next door on the corner, numbered 3 Pine Street or 73 Bloomingdale Avenue, now belongs to this property; it was the site of one of the Endicott-Johnson Cottages.

The Fortune Cottage appears in the background of the photo on the 3 Pine Street or 73 Bloomingdale Avenue page.
