The Lone Star Inn was on the Harrietstown Road in 1927

Adirondack Daily Enterprise, January 11, 1952

25 Years Ago Today (1927)

Mr. and Mrs Archie S. Colby, of the Lone Star Inn, on the Harrietstown road, entertained several of their friends at dinner.

Adirondack Daily Enterprise, April 1, 1952

25 Years Ago Today (1927)

Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Latour, Mrs. Eugene Keet, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wolfe were among residents of this village who called on Mrrs. Kate Williams at the Lone Star Inn on the Harrietstown road.

Adirondack Ddaily Enterprise, August 11, 1952

25 Years Ago Today (1927)

Mrs. Archie S. Colby, of the Lone Star Inn, Harrietstown road, suffered a severe injury to her knee in a fall at her home. She was under the care of Dr. W. A. Wardner.