Lakeview is found along the northern shores of Lake Ontario between the Etobicoke Creek and Cooksville Creek.
It was the site of the first commercial air training airport in Canada and the home for many war time munitions plants during World War II. The airport was run by the Curtis Aviation School and located west of the recognized centre of Long Branch part of the current city of Toronto. The Lakeview location is documented by the presence of Aviation Road running south off Lakeshore Road just west of Cawthra Road.
The site is further acknowledged by National Historic Plaque #1166
Explore Lakeview
Life in Lakeview
- Apartments
- Festivals
- Parks
- Public Transit
- History
- Wishlist - add things you would like to see in the neighbourhood.
- A Page in the Wiki optional descriptive text.
- Etc.
Food and Drink
- Restaurants
- A Page in the Wiki optional descriptive text.
- Etc.
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