Barbosa Prince AKA Gary-Paul Barbosa Prince is a Mexican-American expressionistic artist and video producer who creates work laced with references to pop, religion, sexuality, politics, and folk art. He works in a variety of evolving styles creating imagery that challenges viewer’s personal, political and cultural sensibilities. He has created some iconic works specifically "Machine Gun Jesus" and “The Narco Supper.”
“Bring me the King and I will paint him, for if not, my art will make war with his kingdom.”
He maintains his live work studio at and is one of the longest residents(29 years) of "The Vulcan." He is the founder of INFERNO Gallery, a contemporary fine art exhibition space which is also housed at The Vulcan Studios in East Oakland. He also produces movies through his productions studio Swirlpop.
Through his work in digital media he has produce video, developed learning content, and marketing strategies for leading brands in the creative how-to market, including: Adobe Press, Peachpit Press, New Riders, Apple Pro Training, KelbyMedia, Safari Books Online and Creative Edge.
He also founded and produced Pearson Education’s first and leading podcast network which produces learning podcasts on digital photography, web design, graphics, multimedia, video production and digital media inspiration.
“…a very compelling and disturbing painting.”
C.S. Soong
Host, Against the Grain
on KPFA 94.1 FM and
“Prince’s anxious-eyed military helmet looks toward a dismal, dangerous future.”
DeWitt Cheng
Art Critic
East Bay Express
“Powerful concept, title, and form. Very original.”
John Kurtyka
Artist – Educator
Works/San Jose news
“…his work takes deadly aim at the contemporary mix of sex, religion, and violence.”
Art Hazelwood
San Francisco Art Magazine
“Narco Supper” is a scathing sociopolitical portrait of greed, corruption, and lawlessness.”
Quiet Lunch Magazine
Art Basel 2012 Issue The Creator’s Project – American Gun Show Review
B.F.A. San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA.
A.I.C.A New York Studio Program, New York, NY
San Antonio College, San Antonio, TX