Before The Montclarion newspaper rolled off the presses in 1944, there were two earlier editions of the paper. The Montclair Garden Club published a newsletter called the Montclair Clarion in the early 1930s and the Montclarion.
The later was put out by Montclair realtor Paul Pause and his wife Beatrice "Bea". The first issues were printed on mimeograph machines. It was printed from about 1937 - 1942.
In 1942 due to WWII and the rationing of paper, it ceased publication.
In 1944 Fred Graeser and his wife Micky purchased the name for $100, and the first issue of "The Montclarion", as we know it, came out in October 1944.
Recently Chris Tredway posted these earlier issues of the Montclarion in the Forgotten Montclair group on Facebook.
Montclarion July 24 1941
Montclair Food Center 1941
Early Business Directory & Want Ads 1941
Comb's Cottage 1941
Glenview Plumbing Co 1941 AD
The New Godfrey's Food Store 1941
Cobbledick Decorators 1941
Wayside Lunch & Signal Station 1941