24th Street is a predominately Latino/Hispanic neighborhood (working class). There are also a lot of people in their early-20s (a large majority could be considered hipsters).
In May 2014, the city designated 24th Street the "Calle 24 Latino Cultural District", part of a community effort to protect the neighborhood's character as rents rise and newcomers move in. The city's resolution provides an interesting mini-history/description of the area. The local merchants and neighbors association is named Calle 24 to reflect this.
Taquerias abound! Dive bars aplenty! Cheap produce!
For a good burrito, check out San Francisco Taqueria, as they grill the burritos instead of steaming them. Taqueria Vallarta is a good alternative to the popular El Farolito when those late-night lines aren't doing you any justice after drinking the cheap beers at Pop's or Dirty Thieves.
Other notable businesses that don't fall into the above categories: Philz Coffee (one cup at a time), the Jelly Donut (get a start on your day - the cheap way), and La Victoria (fresh baked goods, yummy tamales, great espresso) among other panaderias. Closer to Potrero, there is Sugarlump and L's Caffe, and St. Francis Fountain.
The 48 runs up 24th Street.
There is a BART station at 24th and Mission.
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