
The Aggie Fun Zone is an organization that desires the prohibition of alcohol and tailgating at UC Davis Football games be lifted. They are currently running a petition drive to UCD administration officials. They claim that alcohol at tailgating at Football games will increase student attendance, alumni presence, and will stimulate the local economy. They also stress that of the top 50 universities UC Davis is one of two universities that do not allow alcohol at tailgating parties.

Do you want to tailgate at football games?

So do we!

Join our efforts in letting the administration know why tailgating is important and exactly how important it is to us.

This site was built to give information about the benefits tailgating can have for a University and also to coordinate the efforts of the alumni out there who really would like to tailgate.

Join and help change a campus that we all know and love.


Please invite as many friends as you can to join this site. When UC Davis announces the 2007 Football season(March), we will begin sending letters to the administration. Real, physical letters. The kind of letters that could create a literal mountain of reason for the administration to change tailgating policy at UC Davis.


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2007-01-03 10:32:15   I'm a bit confused. If you are walking to the game from your off campus housing anyway, why does the University need to change the rules. And how much is student attendance at games really driven by drinking in the parking lot? I'm not against chaning the rule, just against spurious argumements for it. —RocksandDirt