LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a sustainability certification system developed by U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) for verifying that a building, home or community was designed and built using strategies aimed at achieving high performance in key areas of human and environmental health: sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental quality.
UC Davis has several buildings which are LEED certified, some at the highest level: Platinum. Additionally, all new buildings at UC Davis are required to meet standards equivalent to LEED Silver certification. Currently LEED certified or registered buildings can be found on the sustainability map of campus. The LEED for Homes certifications are also reviewed here in town by the Davis Energy Group.
More information on LEED can be found here on the USGBC website.
LEED should not be confused with LEAD, the once and future ASUCD student government slate, although some of their candidates have campaigned on getting more LEED certified buildings on campus.