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Where to Hide a Dead Body on the Wiki
The Wiki provides a rich and cluttered environment ideal for the surreptitious disposal of formerly living entities. These FLEs can be placed in a wide variety of entries including, but not limited to:
- One of AlphaDog's many botany oriented entries
- Woven into one of ArlenAbraham's theories about the wiki
- Inside the Mystery Picture of the moment
- Note that this has nothing to do with Pluto's Mushrooms of the Moment and cannot be considered a claim or attack on any trademarks held by PlutosCorps.
- Brought to a Wiki Gathering, preferably set to some Oingo Boingo music.
- Dumped in the trunk of TarZxf's dusty "Wiki Dude" diesel Jetta
- Somewhere in the Friends Urging Campus Kindness Platform, between the staplers and the countback amendment. No one will ever read something that ridiculously long.
- On a Branchload of Bushtit Babies
one minute of downtime
Describe that minute of downtime here.
it just occurred, and it was *terrible*
I wanted the wiki now, but I had to wait
sometimes i have to rip the band-aid off really quickly. it hurts, but it's for your own good. —PhilipNeustrom
The excitement was hard to take! What would the new thing be? Would it be award-winning?? —CovertProfessor
Wiki Bulldada
Don't know what bulldada is? Ask Google.
Davis as an Image
Davis Wiki as an Image
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Davis Computer Doctor last modified 3 minutes ago
Comment added. RayJohnstonPhotography
It's not just the wiki that has incensed reviewers... or cool business owners. (Honestly, what is it about restaurants? You ate a lousy meal. Okay...)