Please feel free to experiment here, after the four dashes below... and please do NOT create new pages without any meaningful content just to try it out!
This page should include the word sandbox in it somewhere, so that searching for sandbox will bring this page up among the results.
I've been told that entering [[TableOfContents]] will yield a "table of contents" most excellent
xzcvxcv {{{sadfsdaf lkjlkklj m,n,m qwerwqetr }}}
Tip: Middle-click (or Shift-click, for some) on Help with Editing to open a second window with the help pages.
Test Jump See Anchor at the bottom anchor.
This is a test
`backtick typewriter` (configurable)
Thisisa test
email here (or not): http://thegreatfooitis [email protected]
Attached Image
Secret 'borderless' attribute
Image Link
- first
- second
You can use indentation to signal indentation of entire blocks of text. Noop!
—— /! Edit conflict! Your version: ——
- combining
—— /! End of edit conflict ——
- blockquote
- and a bullet
<dl> <dt> Term</dt><dd>Definition
</dd> </dl>Here is a new test
This is an em-dash — similar to a regular dash but longer. The parser converts --'s into em-dashes.
- Donner Ski Ranch is located close to Boreal and Sugar Bowl. It is a small and cheap resort that is best suited for beginners. Although it does have some nice cliffs to drop off of on powder days.
Lets try out comments:
I want to know how to show a{{{auaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand a
Brent's Section Test
Subsection One
Subsection Two
Subsection Three
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new section
try it out
qwerty —— /! Edit conflict! Other version: —— more funny stuf —— /! Edit conflict! Your version: —— more groovy stufff —— /! End of edit conflict —— edits more
trying to to test br this should be a new line
2005-02-01 02:47:49 Testing my RSS aggregator, sorry for the clutter. —MikeIvanov
Comments don't go into the RSS feed.
Some macro testing:
Random Quote: ...guess it doesn't work.
Datestamp: [[Date(8)]]
Mailto: [email protected]
- Hides your email address from spambots (for the most part).
Random Image Test:
New HR test
Section test
This is the first subsection I typed. The next subsection has no name
This is the third subsection I typed. Did the second subsection show up on the Table of Contents?
2005-03-16 15:54:15 [[SystemInfo]] —KenBloom Insert non-formatted text here
2005-04-14 15:41:03 test —ChristopherPrice
ProYou must be logged in to comment on this page. Please log in. |
ConYou must be logged in to comment on this page. Please log in. |
2005-05-02 14:06:27 robots are awesome! —ArlenAbraham
2005-05-02 14:06:39 robots will eat our children! —ArlenAbraham
2005-05-02 14:06:48 robots will eat our children! —ArlenAbraham
2005-05-05 19:30:52 transitive property: eating our children is awesome! —KrisFricke
2005-06-12 14:01:33 Is there no way to italicize linked text? —NiareeHopelian Try this: ''["front page" ITALICIZED LINK TEXT]'' which turns out: ITALICIZED LINK TEXT. Just be sure to put two single-quotes on each side of the link brackets. —cm
2005-06-12 14:48:44 Worked perfectly Carl. Thanks! —NiareeHopelian
2005-06-12 16:14:42 Hey help, I have forgotten how to resize uploaded images and I've been scanning the help pages. Somebody want to point my blond brain in the right direction? —AbbyLawson
2005-06-30 00:36:47 , —JakeLippman
2005-08-16 10:05:16 add con comment? —RocksandDirt
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2005-09-02 15:48:32 con test? —IrenePark
Headline text
my test in the sandbox
Italic text here it goes Bold texthope it works
—— /! Edit conflict! Your version: —— This is my friend Ryan...he came to visit us in Davis! —— /! End of edit conflict ——
—— /! Edit conflict! Your version: —— having fun testing out how to use the Wiki in the sandbox. —— /! End of edit conflict ——
Unless you're viewing the source, (comment removed, we are now fool, ha!) where part is commented out, you're not seeing all of this sentence.
Mah spoon is toooo big1
I, for one, welcome my new Wiki overlord
Why won't my "italics" work?
- don't use quotation marks, use two apostrophes one each side of the phrase you want italicized.
try this
are mine working This should be italics. bold bold italics
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2005-12-17 02:04:17 pro bono —MichelleAccurso
2005-12-26 15:03:33 edojwep —JesseUnger
2779-11-25 16:09:55 —NickJackson
2006-03-06 06:14:33 Testing nugget —DatNguyen
2006-03-12 06:15:28 All Your Base Are Belong To Google —MatthewKeys
2006-04-07 17:41:53 test —PhilipNeustrom
2006-04-10 08:43:42 Here we go! —ErikAnderson
2006-04-30 19:08:17 Links do not work in footnotes... for now —TusharRawat
2006-06-12 23:31:14 wau, very good work —DetlevLengsfeld
2 Baseball |
1 Boy's Basketball |
2 Girl's Basketball |
3 Boy's Cross Country |
8 Girl's Cross Country |
1 Football |
2 Boy's Golf |
1 Gymnastics |
4 Boy's Soccer |
2 Girl's Soccer |
9 Boy's Swimming Team |
16 Girl's Swimming |
4 Boy's Tennis |
6 Girl's Tennis |
8 Volleyball |
12 Boy's Water Polo |
5 Girl's Water Polo |
crunchy [[The_Dumpling_House "The Dumpling House"]]
2006-08-31 10:29:46 This is a test —DennisBallance
Test2 ~~ Test3 ~~~ Test4 ~~~~
2006-11-04 10:31:34 just type it in here, eh? —AlexNelson
Did this work? Bold italic preformated Bike Church Alternate Text for alink
Header 1
Header 2
Header 3
Okay, here's a paragraph. It has lots of text, including apple, banana, psychobilly, and mac truck.
italics ''italics'' rather than "italics" hope that helps..
Makes an awesome warning label |
This entry is a seed, a starting point for writing a full entry. You can help the Davis Wiki by expanding it! Just click the "Edit" button. |
This article is unnecessarily UCD-centric - its text incorrectly assumes that all interested readers are UC Davis affiliates.Perhaps you could take some time to help rewrite it so that it reflects a broader spectrum of the Davis community? |
I was looking for that as well!
This entry currently has little or no relevance to the community of Davis. Nearly every general topic can be relevant to Davis, but this one hasn't been connected yet. Hit edit and add a Davis specific connection or perspective to relate this topic to our town. |
This entry is a Copy/Paste Job, mostly taken from another site. You can help Davis Wiki by making it a real entry! Just click the "Edit" button. |
This statement is in need of Fact CheckingCheck the facts with an authoritative source, such as a Library, and remove this tag. |
I was looking for that (I'm gonna pop a Cap... in this title!) —JabberWokky
This may or may not be an ambiguation page. Someone, somewhere, hoped you might feel more or less ambiguated. |
Cow Tipping |
Did a former ASUCD senator get expelled for cow tipping?
Debunked. See Cow Tipping |
[ The above is a snazy way to hide an answer, or make someone see a warning before highlighting the text to read it. ] —STD
Those comments stand because nobody else knows more. I can't correct it because for all I know, the proprietor actually says "whenever Grandma is up" when asked for her hours. If you know more about the store, please don't complain about the wrong information, simply correct it. It's clear that not many people know much (one of the two comments is "Wish there was more info"), so please add what you know. In the absence of any real information, poorly informed opinion will always fill the void... that has nothing to do with the wiki and is purely a function of human behavior. All you added in your comment was opinion, no expansion or additional information about the actual subject (other than the correction of the name, for which I thank you — I've renamed the entry). —JabberWokky
The reviews you read here are worth what you paid to see them.
map page testing
Davis Food Co-op— the bulletin board at the Davis Food Co-op is awesome.
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I'd say just make sure each location (e.g. co-op) has a map point on that place's page. That means that this page won't show you all of the points by clicking on the map, but if you are interesting in finding a given place you can just follow the link and then click "Map." The problem with putting a bunch of map points on a single page is that it could clutter up the map (nearby locations when looking at other pages) with bulletin board locations that are on top of places like the co-op. —PhilipNeustrom
2007-08-27 13:10:21 right, that was the plan. Pages similar to this one would be included in the main list of bulletin boards, with each subpage containing a map to that particular board. —jefftolentino
2007-08-27 13:12:16 I mean to say that there's no reason to create a map point for the Davis Food Co-op board because there's a page for the Davis Food Co-op and it has a map on it? —PhilipNeustrom
2007-08-27 13:18:52 I see. There is no way at this point to de-clutter the other markers showing up on the map? I thought this might be good for parts of campus where the board is on one wing of a larger structure(s), such as the memorial union. —jefftolentino
2010-04-19 16:40:00 Useless edit! —WilliamLewis
- Useless comment! —jimstewart
2010-04-19 17:01:53 I think better mapping functions would be very useful. This page is definitely old, but I was hoping to generate some new ideas for improving how we map things here. I think my main problem here was that everthing mapped within a few hundred feet of this bulletin board on Daviswiki showed up the map. Would be nice to weed out unneeded map points.
On a similar note, it would also be nice to be able to put together maps of similar things in town, (such as red light cameras, bike pumps, bulletin boards, etc.) —jefftolentino
Resident Garden
I'm trying to provide maps to different bulletin boards around town, and designed this this morning. Not sure if it is the best way. involves creating a new page for at least anything being mapped. Still doesn't provide concise mappage of all the boards either. Just de-clutterifies (im making up words now) the map and allows individual locations to be called out. Any comments?
test label
2007-01-27 12:35:53 whoaa!! links for in footnotes! woohoo!! wow it's disturbing how happy this makes me o.O —TusharRawat
2007-02-12 23:54:35 comments for this box show up here? —StevenDaubert
2007-02-12 23:55:17 No they show up at the bottom —StevenDaubert
test of a possible bug? uniqtermnigh
2008-06-14 12:26:47 I am anti-yellow cars and proud of it —SunjeetBaadkar
2008-07-15 18:34:54 Hi —William.Peacock
2008-07-15 22:29:23 test —LiCheChan
2008-11-23 14:39:26 hiii —StephanieCaldwell
Hello there! —WilliamLewis
2009-06-16 18:48:12 asdf asf —NickSchmalenberger
I disagree. fdsa fsa —IDoNotExist
2010-04-19 16:14:54 afdf —NickSchmalenberger
2010-04-19 16:15:07 asdfsf —NickSchmalenberger
2010-04-19 16:15:31 asdfsf —NickSchmalenberger
2010-04-19 16:15:38 asdfsf —NickSchmalenberger
Unable to include stop
2010-07-28 20:39:56 If the DavisWiki could throw up, this page is what the resulting barf would look like. lol. I don't even know where this comment will end up. 0.o —TheShah
Found it. —TheShah
Center for Student Involvement
If a cheetah were spliced with a cow, would we have milk suitable for fast food joints?
Two or more of the following comments all comefrom the same IP address and may be the same person. |
2011-11-28 14:04:34 " —NeedtoRelax
2011-11-28 14:05:47 " —NeedtoRelax
2011-11-28 14:06:09 " —NeedtoRelax
2011-11-28 14:08:13 " —NeedtoRelax
Please click !!—You wrote ["" here], you probably meant to write [ here] to make an outside the wiki link—!!, you probably meant to write here to make an outside the wiki link—!! to go to "Gum Grafts" on the Dental Questions page on Davis Wiki for more information about gum recession, its causes, and different ways to treat it.
2012-03-17 10:26:38 testing —jlifatai
2013-01-02 09:49:58 how does it work?
If you have other questions, ask the wiki!
"If you have other ["Dental Questions", Dental Questions, Ask the Wiki]!"
1. Do links work in footnotes? VictorZapanta
2015-12-21 11:26:45 test —sthrasher
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