The caption reads "after the glamor treatment" 185 Broadway, before 1949 185 Broadway, 2007 185 Broadway Tuffield A. Latour in the 1930 Canaras

Address: 220 Broadway

Old Address: 185 Broadway (or perhaps 189 Broadway)

Other names: Cowan Cottage (1911), Martell Cottage (1911); DIS

Year built:

185 Broadway was the home of James A. Latour from at least 1925, and after, of his son, Olympic bobsledder Tuffy Latour until at least 1965; Tuffy ran Tuffy's Tavern for Lex Thompson.

From roughly 1965 through 1986, this house was the home of lawyer Joseph F. Duffy and his family.

The property was described as follows:

"ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, with the buildings and improvements, if any, thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Village of Saranac Lake, Town of Harrietstown, County of Franklin and State of New York, and being a part of a three hundred acre lot conveyed by John R. Thurman and others to Pliny Miller and lying in the southeast corner of Township 21, Great Tract No. 1, Macomb's Purchase, and also being a part of a ten acre lot of land in the northwest corner of said three hundred acre lot more definitely described as follows, to wit:

BEGINNING at the southwest corner of the Lowell W. Brown lot (now owned by Wells R. Eaton) in the highway leading from Saranac Lake, New York to West Harrietstown; running thence North 69 degrees East along the Southerly line of said Brown lot, 16 rods to the westerly bounds of land of the Chateaugay Railroad Company; thence Southeasterly along the said land, 5 rods to a stake and stones; thence S. 69° W. parallel to the first described line 18 rods to the center of the said highway; thence Northerly along the highway above mentioned to place of beginning, containing one-half acres of land, more or less.

BEING the same premises conveyed to the mortgagors herein by Elizabeth K. Latour by deed dated August 19, 1965 and recorded August 23, 1965 in the Franklin County Clerk's Office in Liber 428 of deeds at page 614."

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