Rifle Range Creek runs through the 167 acre site of the former Oak Knoll Naval Hospital. It's named for the former State Rifle Range in the area, and ultimately joins Arroyo Viejo Creek.
3,500' of the creek is schedule for restoration by by developer SunCal Companies. The Project Description with Goals for the area is as follows:
- Conduct an environmental analysis of site resources to enable construction of a mixed-use housing and retail development
- Secure environmental permits and ensure regulatory compliance for restoration of 3,500 feet of Rifle Range Creek
- Prepare habitat enhancement, restoration, and monitoring plans for sensitive habitats at the site 1
Project Description
WRA provided biological services to SunCal Companies to support the redevelopment of the 167-acre former Oak Knoll Naval Hospital, located in Oakland, California. Working with SunCal, Phillip Williams & Associates Ltd., BKF, Engineers, and other firms, WRA assisted with the Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) portion of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review process. WRA conducted a range of biological surveys including nesting bird and bat surveys, rare plant surveys, and oak woodland surveys. Based on the information collected during these surveys, WRA prepared a wetland delineation report and agency permit applications for the restoration of 3,500 feet of Rifle Range Creek, including a California Department of Fish & Game Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement and Clean Water Act Section 401 and Section 404 permits. In addition to the biological surveys and creek restoration assistance, WRA developed a comprehensive Native Oak Woodland Enhancement Plan, a Resource Management Plan, and a Riparian Restoration and Monitoring Plan for the site. 1
In 2011 when the Oak Knoll Naval Hospital was demolished, the Rifle Range Creek was still running through an underground culvert ... [current status??]
Links and References
- Oak Knoll Mixed-Use Community Development WRA Environmental Consultants
- Creek and Watershed Map of Oakland and Berkeley Oakland Museum of California
A Primer on Stream and River Protection for the Regulator and Program Manager California Regional Water Quality Control Board
10 Projects Reshape Oakland Oakland Magazine
WRA Projects - Oak Knoll Biological Surveys, Riparian Restoration
OAKLAND / Company shares plans for Oak Knoll / Housing density SFGate