Beatriz Anguiano is a candidate for ASUCD Senate in the Winter 2012 ASUCD Election running on the SMART slate.

Candidate Statement

Hey Aggies! My name is Beatriz Anguiano and I am running for ASUCD Senate with the SMART Slate, which seeks to give a voice in ASUCD to all underrepresented communities on campus. I am a third year Psychology and Chican@ Studies major from Los Angeles, California. I currently work at the Student Recruitment and Retention Center for Yik’al Kuyum the Chican@ Latin@ Holistic Support Program as Administrative Director. I am also Internal Chair for M.E.Ch.A. de UC Davis.

There are many resources students are not aware of and as Senator I will work hard for students to be more informed about financial, academic, cultural, social, and educational resources available.

My platforms:

FINANCIAL AID PEER ADVISORS Currently the financial aid office hours are not enough to meet student needs. By creating new student financial aid advisor positions we would fill the void left by the lack of personal contact with current financial aid officers and would be able to better help students with 1-on-1 peer advising, providing loan, FAFSA, scholarship, and grant information.

RESOURCE GUIDE FOR STUDENTS ON AP As a Senator, I will work with Academic Coordinators to create a resource guide for students with information on how to appeal dismissal decisions in order to increase awareness about AP/SD. I will also seek to create support groups for students in these academic circumstances and provide counseling to help students achieve their future academic goals.

Together, the SMART Slate will work towards the following:

MORE TEXTBOOK RESERVES We will work to save students money by creating a textbook reserve located in the new Student Community Center, supplementing the Shields Library Reserves and giving students much needed additional study space and free access to the most common GE books.

FUNDING FOR ETHNIC/LAV GRADS Community specific graduations celebrate the achievement in higher education of students from underrepresented and marginalized communities. By granting funds to these events we seek to actively create a safe and inclusive campus environment which celebrates the diversity of our student body.

Please vote Beatriz #1, SMART #2-6 for ASUCD Senate! Bree Rombi & Amy Martin for Exec!


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