Adirondack Daily Enterprise, May 7, 1945
Members of the local Girl Scout Council are completing plans to join in ceremonies at Pittsburgh Saturday which will inaugurate formally the North Country Area Girl Scout Council.
The Area Council organizes Girl Scouting in Clinton, northern Essex and Franklin counties. The Council has been in the planning stages for, the past five years.
In Saranac Lake the Girl Scouts were started in 1928 with Mrs. Lare as leader and Mrs. Oscar Worthen as advisor. The first troop had nine girls and met in the now extinct Community House on Bloomingdale avenue.
Mrs. Worthen was chairman for 10 years and thereafter served on the Council. After a succession of meetings in churches, public halls and private homes, the organization rented the Baldwin School on Pine street. In 1945 the property was purchased from Mrs. Ernest Baldwin at a price, an official said, "which made it practically a gift."
For several years during the past local Scout leaders conducted a day camp on Lower Saranac Lake, but most of the regular camping was done at Camp Tapawingo, on Lake Champlain.
Now, after a quarter of a century in Saranac Lake, the local Council is receiving reports from some of its first Girl Scouts that they are serving as leaders in their communities.
Today the local Council has approximately 110 girls divided into six active troops with approximately 40 adults actively interested in furthering the organization.
Adirondack Daily Enterprise, December 21, 1953
Holiday Parties
Sixty Girl Scouts and Brownies with six leaders, left Scout House shortly after 7 o'clock, last night to sing carols under the windows the Ray Brook State Hospital, Will Rogers, The Saranac Lake General Hospital and at Ludington Infirmary, at Trudeau-Saranac Institute.
They traveled in a truck supplied by Ray Brundage with Ken Van Orman driving.
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