Oakland has a large number of extremely active neighborhood and community groups that work on public safety, crime prevention, police accountability, and more. This page aims to provide a comprehensive list of groups working on public safety in Oakland along with their contact info. Please add to the list!
If you want to find out what police beat you're in, check out oaklandbeats.com.
- PSA3 (police service area 3) Yahoo! Group (covers Adams Point, Bella Vista, Cleveland Heights, Clinton, Crocker Highlands, Haddon Hill, Highland Park, Highland Terrace, Ivy Hill, Lakeshore, Lakeside Park, Lynn, Rancho San Antonio, Trestle Glen, Vernon Heights, Waverly)
- Beat 24Y NCPC Yahoo! group (covers Allendale, Bartlett, Peralta Hacienda)
- Beat 18Y Yahoo! GroupNCPC (covers Bella Vista, Holy Names University, San Antonio, Tuxedo)
- Beat 22Y NCPC Yahoo! Group (covers Bret Harte, Joaquin Miller, Laurel, Lincoln Highlands, Lower Dimond, Redwood Heights, Upper Dimond, Upper Laurel, Woodminster)
- Beat 35Y NCPC Yahoo ! Group (covers Chabot Park, Knowland, Sheffield, South Hills)
- Beats 14Y & 16 X Grand Lake NCPC Yahoo! Group (covers Grand Lake, Lakeshore, Trestle Glen)
- Beat 24X NCPC Yahoo! Group (covers Harrington, Jefferson, Peralta Hacienda)
- Manzanita 18Y NCPC Yahoo! Group (covers Beat 18Y, Highland Terrace)
- Beat 1 x NCPC (Jack London NCPC) http://www.jacklondonoakland.org/ncpc
- Maxwell Park NCPC Yahoo! Group (Maxwell Park)
- Melrose/Beat 27x NCPC Yahoo! Group
- Davenport Neighborhood Watch (Redwood Heights)
- Rockridge NCPC Yahoo! Group (Rockridge)
- Old Oakland Neighbors/Beat 3Y Google Groups
- Beat 10Y NCPC/Market Street Yahoo! Group
- Montclair Safety and Improvement Council Yahoo! Group
- Beat 28X/Maxwell Park Yahoo! Group
- Beat 10Y/NCPC. Covers part of the Santa Fe and part of the Longfellow neighborhoods in North Oakland. Local community association groups: Santa Fe Community Association & Neighbors (www.santafecan.org) and Longfellow Community Association https://longfellowcommunityassociation.wordpress.com/.
- Check out the full list of Neighborhood Crime Prevention Councils (NCPCs) (many are outdated)
- Melrose High Hopes NCPC Beat 27x (covers Beat 27x, Highland Terrace, Laurel Village, Laurel, Maxwell Park, Melrose)
- South Hills Beat 35y NCPC (Knowland, South Hills, Sheffield, South Hills)
Beat 22x NCPC "Oakland Beat 22x Neighborhood Crime Prevention Council" (covers Lincoln Highlands, Lower Dimond, Montera, Oakmore, Upper Dimond, Upper Laurel)
Montclair Safety and Improvement Council (Montclair)
Rockridge NCPC (Rockridge, Beats 12Y and 13X)
- Safe Oakland - This appears to be run by Libby Schaaf, District 4. Speakers are hosted at Holy Names University, 3500 Mountain Blvd.
- Oakland Unite - Funded by Measure Y tax dollars, Oakland Unite has a particular focus on "interrupting violence."
- Save Oakland (Soldiers Against Violence Everywhere)- This group has a religious focus and works against gun violence.
- Make Oakland Better Now "a grass-roots group of citywide voters committed to improving the City of Oakland"- with a primary focus on public safety.
- Oakland Residents for Peaceful Neighborhoods - Primarily an anti-Measure Y group
- Metropolitan Greater Oakland Club (ex: hosting a meeting Thursday, Feb 21, 2013 "Interagency Coordination and Cooperation in Fighting Crime in Oakland)
- Oakland Community Organizations OCO is "a federation of congregations, schools, and allied community organizations, representing over 40,000 families in Oakland" that deals with "concrete issues," including public safety. A chapter of PICO, they're working on the new version of Ceasefire.
- PUEBLO (People United for a Better Life in Oakland)- Pueblo's mission is to advocate for the needs of low-income residents of Oakland, most of them people of color, by grassroots organizing, offering leadership training and initiating policy reform." One of their campaigns is "Community Safety and Police Accountability."
- Paul Robeson Chapter of the ACLU (Alameda County)- One of the primary issues that this chapter deals with is police accountability.
Violence Intervention/Justice Approach
- Khadafy-Washington Foundation for Nonviolence- "first responders" for families dealing with violence
- Stop the Injunctions in Oakland- Against gang injunctions and police violence and pro-self-determination
- Caught in the Crossfire- Teen violence intervention program, part of Youth ALIVE!
- Against Hired Guns- Project takes an approach around police violence and is hosting a series of events around the topic.