Born: December 26, 1864

Died: June 29, 1931

Married: Isabella Compton

Children: Mrs. James C. Cooper, Mrs. Duncan Briggs, Mrs. Frank W. Peters, Lloyd Kennedy

Alexander George Kennedy was an artist.  His wife operated a cure cottage on Shepard Avenue.

The following information was compiled by the Adirondack Research Room, Saranac Lake Free Library.

A. G. Kennedy was born on Prince Edward Island, a son of sea captain William Jamieson Kennedy (1822-1876) and Eliza Green (1826-1887) of Summerside, PEI.

When he was diagnosed with tuberculosis the family moved to Saranac Lake, from Rochester. Although his TB was arrested, painting was the only thing that his health allowed him to do, and his wife supported the family by running a cure cottage.  There is some indication that his family considered him a failure, though his obituary called him "an artist of note".

He exhibited at many famous resorts and sold to some famous people including President Hoover and to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.   Sold many paintings. Prolific, mostly water colors.    He did not travel in Europe but painted with the Flemish artist Aime Nayvis-who was famous around the time of World War I

He had a studio in Saranac Lake and was a member of the Rochester Art League.   He was also a friend of Jonas Lie who was in Saranac Lake for his wife's health.

Charlotte has two pictures of A .G. Kennedy of ducks in a hunting scene.

Saranac Lake library has an A. G. Kennedy painting of a typical woodland scene, approx. 9"x 12" hanging in their Adirondack Research Room.

The Adirondack Museum in Blue Mountain Lake now has a water color by A. G. Kennedy, approx. 11" x 15", on mat board signed  "A. G. Kennedy/ Adirondacks" undated. It is labeled as painting 446 by the museum.

Adirondack Daily Enterprise, July 3, 1931


Saranac Lake paid tribute to a distinguished citizen yesterday at last rites for Alexander George Kennedy at the Church of St. Luke the Beloved Physician, conducted by the Rev. George Boys, rector.

The service at the church followed private prayers at the Kennedy home at 31 Helen street, and interment was in Pine Ridge cemetery.

Friends and relatives of the deceased filled the church, and floral tributes were many. Bearers were men who had served with Mr. Kennedy as members of the vestry of St. Luke's. They were: Seaver A. Miller, mayor of Saranac Lake, Arthur D. Manning, Dr. Edward N. Packard, Dr. Francis B. Trudeau, Dr. J. Woods Price and E. L. Edwards.

Honorary bearers were William F. Roberts, William C. Leonard. Dr Hugh M. Kinghorn, Dr. Lawrason Brown, Dr. Edward R. Baldwin and Dr. D. M. Brumfiel.

Mr. Kennedy died here Monday evening at 8:45 o'clock following an illness of several months. He was an artist of note and was for 16 years a member of the vestry at St. Luke's.

Ill health cut short a career which might well have secured Mr. Kennedy a place high in the American artistic world. Sensitive treatment in watercolors and oils of the Adirondack region which he knew and loved so well attracted such renowned collectors as Ramsay MacDonald, prime minister of England, President Hoover, Mrs. Arthur Conan Doyle and ex-president Coolidge.

He came to Saranac Lake in 1903 as a health-seeker from Rochester. N. Y., where aside from his art work he had been engaged in merchandising. Here in the Adirondacks he found the mountains, lakes, streams and flowers that became his inspiration and subjects for many years.

He exhibited his paintings at many of the exclusive mountain hostelries, among them the Stevens house at Lake Placid, Saranac Inn and the Loon lake house. He was an early member of the Robert Louis Stevenson society.

Mr. Kennedy, son of Capt. and Mrs. William Kennedy, was born on December 26, 1864 at Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada.  He attended school at the public schools of that community and was later graduated from Eastman college at Poughkeepsie.

In 1892 he was married to Miss Isabella F. Compton, also of Summerside. Prince Edward Island. Shortly after their marriage the couple made their home at Rochester. Four children were born to them, William Lloyd Kennedy, of Oneonta; Mrs. James C. Cooper, of Schenectady: Mrs. Frank W. Peters, of Chicago, and Miss Charlotte Kennedy, of this village.

Besides his widow and his four children, he is survived by one sister, Mrs. Charlotte Green, of 28 Shepard avenue, this village. His survivors also include three grand James C. and Frank K. Cooper, of Schenectady, and John Palmer Kennedy, of Oneonta.

Plattsburgh Daily Press, July 3, 1931

Alexander George Kennedy, an artist, living in Saranac Lake, died there Monday morning. He exhibited his paintings at the Lake Placid Club, Saranac Inn, [and at the] Loon Lake House. Mrs. Arthur Conan Doyle, President Hoover and Calvin Coolidge are among those possessing his work.



Comments:   A. G. Kennedy was born on Prince Edward Island, a son of sea captain William Kennedy (died March 13, 1676) and Isabella Kennedy (died June 20, 1667). This statement from above cannot be true, as Kennedy the artist died in 1931.