Regions followed
Keep in mind that I completely, blindly, ♥ Davis. Forever.
Enough so that I convinced the most wonderful |
in the world to move here with me. |
My favorite things in Davis are:
- Anything pedal powered. Why I came back. Why I'll never leave.
- Rocknasium. Interesting routes, awesome people (regulars, visitors, staff, everyone!)
- MU Games Area. Cheapest billiards on the best tables in town. Just don't bother a week before to about a week into each quarter, when the UCD Bookstore takes over the room for textbook space.
- Davis Wiki. Naturally.
- The Davis Bike Loop. A great 12 mile ride with no more than half a dozen places where you have to watch for cross traffic. Nice.
My favorite dwiki pages are:
- I Hate Davis. Always good to have some perspective.
- Recent Changes. Intrigue. Drama. Passion. Warfare. Who needs television when you can refresh this page every 15 seconds?
- Random Page. Pages on Recent Changes always get the love. Random finds the rest.
- Departed Businesses. History lesson :( .
Bike Commute Month miles logged:
2009 - 109 miles
2008 - 176 miles
2007 - 173 miles
Big Thank Yous to a few of our wonderful local organizations and businesses, without which I could not have finally built my fixie baby: the Bike Church (for providing roughly 80% of the parts and general awesomeness), APEX (for the cog and some really really helpful advice), Ken's Bike & Ski (for tire, tube, and—most importantly—being the place I could turn to for the stupid, seemingly unique bottom bracket tool I needed).
2007-05-05 11:32:52 hey kevin, thanks for adding to the events page. —JessicaRockwell
2007-05-09 15:49:20 Hi kev! Glad to seer that you're "really on the wiki" now —MyaBrn
2007-06-09 06:43:14 Thanks for the unicode. —DavidPoole
2007-06-10 23:40:57
% ./dwrevert.csh KevinChin Name Edits Reverts Revert% KevinChin 96 1 1.04167—WilliamLewis
The power. . . THE POWER!!! I have tasted of the sweet nectar that started the Great Revert War of July 2005 (Or the more recent Slightly-Less-Great Revert War of Last Night. Or the Great Scrimmage of Sometime Yesterday), and can now revel in the euphoria. My innocence lost, my revert virginity my maidenhead my CONTROL is now SUPREME! At least till someone reverts it after me. —kc
2007-07-03 23:37:44 yay for creating a page on The Davis Song! —JessicaRockwell
2007-07-03 23:54:55 Yes! the Davis song's pretty tight but more importantly I Wish I Was a TV is my personal favorite song of the moment. —JasonDunne
2007-07-14 21:18:19 Hey Kevin - I've really been focused on the basic structure. I'm trying to make it more intuitive, but I'm not sure if its working. I've been doing the previewing, but then I always find something else... and then take off on another tangent. I'll try to get it all into single (or fewer) edits. Please take a look at the main page. I took some hints from DavisWiki, but have changed a lot of that now. Thank you for your comments. —steadyfrank
2007-07-16 08:29:06 It is one of the best multi's of Davis... It starts in Davis doesn't it? And then it wonderfully takes you away! he he. —WesHardaker
2007-07-24 19:38:56 Hah. I was uploading the photo as you were working on the old one. It was confusing at first when I went to preview! —RobinLaughlin
2007-08-02 13:57:24 I am of the opinion that all of dickjones' edits should be undone. I remove those I think I can get away with. —WilliamLewis
Is there a way to keep the owner's response, but somehow infer the context? I originally restored dickjones's comment because it was deleted by the proprietor of the business in question, a practice I've never liked (read: Soga's). Had anyone else deleted this comment I probably would not have cared. Leonardo's response to it, however, adds some reputable quality to the establishment, so I'm inclined to keep it. I suppose the reason I'm asking you about it is that. . . your mouse cursor seems to have this promiscuous physical longing for revert links. Though I think this comment should stay in the light of subsequent remarks, I don't hold to long revert wars :) . —kc
Looks as though my point is now moot. Positive owner participation is always a good thing. —kc
2007-08-06 14:06:28 The map will show all points for the page and then up to 15 nearby points. Were you seeing too few points on the map, or was it maxing out at 15? —PhilipNeustrom
- it was showing 16 (page point plus A - O), but when I'd trying to update the last location (Stone's) it wouldn't load the map at all, just a blank frame. Asked a friend to load the map on her computer, no success. Trying to load the map on another nearby page (e.g., Mace Market) had the same result. A third attempt on a page geographically further away (Community Park, in this case) did succeed, went back to Stone's and reverted and the map appears again. I've looked through to see if I typo'd something originally but don't see anything obvious. . . I've realized that I had the same number of points all along since I wasn't "giving" one to Stone's, just changing it. Anyway, it seems to be working now, but I'll keep in mind the fifteen-point rule for the future. —kc
- Hi Kevin - I used Stone's as an example for possible tweaks to the map code ... let me know what you think. —VladLoscutoff
- Very nice. Thing about the letter-labeled points is that, without a list of what those points indicate, the larger markers have no frame of reference. Makes sense to have it on the normal gmaps page since you're given a list of search hits, but on wiki it's just nice to know there are other wikified businesses nearby. Still would be nice to set a default zoom level, but your solution is certainly much cleaner. —kc
- Easy fix, when the map is created the gmap code is passed a zoom level (15), I bumped it up (16). Try the page now (you may need to refresh to see the new code). —VladLoscutoff
2007-08-19 20:43:18 Bad move redirecting the Arnold page. It's laced with Davis perspective. —WilliamLewis
- fair enough, but it still has the Davis perspective, just now on the sacwiki page. people on dwiki searching it will find the redirect, go to the sacwiki page, still see the davis info, only now it can get some sac love as well. -kc
2007-08-19 20:47:30 Concurrency isn't an issue. SacWiki and DavisWiki are two separate projects. There is nothing that says the two pages have to be the same. In fact, they should not. SacWiki readers probably won't care about what Aaaahhhhnold has done in Davis. DavisWiki readers probably won't care about Aaaahhhhhnold's interaction with the city government. Each page should have the appropriate community perspective. —WilliamLewis
- understood—sorry for the trouble! -kc
2007-08-22 22:41:41 >_< I have tainted donuts in... MPG... it's 82 mb... right now... I'm staring at it thru spacemonger —StevenDaubert
P.S. yeah it's a classic for sure, and it's smooth editing... Have you seen SuberunkerStudeosh-Football?
2007-08-23 11:26:02 HEY! Thanks for the 'Tainted Donuts' vid! It was AWESOME! lol. Very good editing —ArianeMetz
2007-08-25 19:26:19 Hello Kevin, I was unaware I could create a page here on Wiki until today, thank you for commenting to Samantha about my lack there of, now I know I can. My comments about Spa Central aren't angry, though I'll agree they're bitting, but everything I said is true. I know first hand what kind of person the owner is and how she treats her employees, and not just myself. I could have gone on for pages, I kept a log of how I was mistreated after the receptionist repeatedly over-scheduled me, keeping me from being able to pump milk for my daughter. They were investigated not only for not having Work Comp Insurance but also, and unrelated to me, for denying employee breaks. Please do not hold against me the fact that I feel strongly enough to write my negative opinion of Spa Central, I have other possitive opinions about the Davis community, and they are expressed on CitySearch, I didn't even know Davis Wiki exsisted until a friend sent me Spa Central's Wiki Link. You might feel the same way I do if you had worked at Spa Central and been treated the way I was. ~Namaste~ —ElisaWeller
- No worries, Elisa—my comment was not so much directed towards your negative experience as it was to Samantha's attempted removal of it. This is a sore point amongst those who attempt to maintain the wiki regularly, and I apologize if I initally dismissed your comment. —kc
2007-09-28 You're more than welcome to publish the bike loop as a route for geocaching.com... If you want a list of available caches, try this:
# geoqo -s '(set:import:mine||set:import:near me||tag:found)&&cache:archived==False&&track:track.whole.gpx,30' -m track:track.whole.gpx -d 'list:%{2:count} %{7.7:ident} %{5.5:trkptdist} %{urlname}' 1 GCJ491 107.0 O where art thou (Yamar's unusual #2) 2 GC11EDR 27.93 Invisible Kids Cache 3 GC13X7H 149.7 Backwards 4 GCK8WC 697.2 ChestNut Park 5 GCR5PR 105.8 The End of My Walks 6 GC124B2 113.8 Jr High School Math 7 GCT1MB 357.7 38 MPH Pitch 8 GC1450D 244.0 The Loneliness of Integrity 9 GC14Y05 440.2 Davis - A Bike-Friendly Town 10 GC12P6G 730.9 Friends of the Arboretum 11 GCKBJZ 487.8 Ag 6: Field Crops of the World 12 GC98CD 90.08 Davis Stonehenge 13 GCB9B4 466.9 Try Hard to Get Ahead 14 GCKBJA 117.7 Ag 0: California Agriculture 15 GCPHQ4 349.2 The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principal 16 GC9CE0 537.2 Redwood Bridge 17 GCZXAZ 64.99 Solano Park 18 GC10Z28 84.96 Yamar's unusual #3: Inverted Cache II 19 GCRA9E 96.28 North Fork 20 GCZD2F 708.7 Oaks along I-80 21 GC11C95 119.6 Peace and Quiet 22 GCHKXP 14.63 Putah Parkway- Ol' Rusty 23 GCQZH1 160.1 Turnaround #3 24 GC105CB 37.48 Safe Happens 25 GC13FPY 402.2 Totally Tubular Too 26 GCJGRQ 36.52 Beneficial cache 27 GCXYN5 209.2 Putah Creek Park 28 GC14W1M 9.519 The Easter Hunt 29 GCR08A 143.8 Turnaround #1 30 GC1245Z 407.0 Almost a Diamond 31 GCM4TD 119.3 Bikeway to Heaven 32 GCW5K7 78.37 Obfuscation 33 GCWE32 96.77 SPORK 34 GCP5YP 85.83 Greenbelt Hideaway 35 GC11127 397.4 Christmas Candy 36 GC11RZA 94.19 Wind in the Pines 37 GC119E7 609.4 Oxford Circle
(the third column is the distance from the path).
2007-11-19 18:20:14 Done. Though it's not "unusual". (too much). —WesHardaker
2008-12-04 12:38:13 Thanks for archiving the mystery pics! I was going to do it soon, but glad someone got on top of it =) —BrandonBarrette
2011-03-24 18:55:44 hey kevin! Long time no see...saw you riding bikes with your kids a couple weeks ago... —jsbmeb
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