The sign was corrected using lovely CalTrans "greenout"!
Hutchison Drive travels east and west, taking you from the heart of campus, out west across Highway 113, past West Village and the University Airport, and ending at County Road 98 (where you'll find lots of monkeys).
Hutchison is very popularly misspelled as Hutchinson (with an N). This mistake is so common that it actually was on one of the freeway signs in Davis as Hutchinson; it remained so for a couple of years until the sign was corrected in late 2006. Even Google maps and MapQuest add a gratuitous N to the stretch of Hutchison west of Highway 113. The correct spelling is Hutchison, and the name comes from C. B. Hutchison, a former faculty member of UC Davis.
- I sent a request to correct the street name to NAVTEQ (they supply the data to Google) on 2007-04-23. —DavidGrundler
Most of the trees along Hutchison on core campus appear to be tagged with identifiers.
Hutchison got some bike lanes in 2006.