What do you know about Ann Arbor Parks On The Air, something similar to Parks On The Air but with a numbering scheme for local parks?

Numbers are (mostly) sequential based on the 2023 Visit Every Park Guide - that list is here


For ease of double checking they are listed here in groups of 10 with a note as to where the columns on the sheet start.

Column 1, Allmendinger to Douglas




Column 2, Lockett to Island



Column 3, Kelly to Postmans Rest

  • Kelly Park
  • Kempf House
  • Kilburn Park
  • Kuebler Langford Nature Area
  • Lakewood Nature Area
  • Lansdowne Park
  • Las Vegas Park
  • Lawton Park
  • Leslie Park
  • Leslie Park Golf Course



Column 4, Redbud Nature Area to Unnamed Park #1