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2014 is a mayoral election year in Oakland.
The #oakmtg crew & the Oakland Wiki Mayoral Election Team are hosting candidate debates that you can participate in! The goal is to make sure that candidates address the issues that are actually important to Oakland residents.
The forums are unique in that they are organized and run by independent residents from Oakland. All the questions will be chosen by the public and voted on via Facebook, Twitter and Google Moderator. Submit your questions for either the live forum or twitter chats using your Google gmail account here. This is really a forum by residents, for residents!
#Oakmtg is a hashtag on Twitter where civic minded individuals that share information about Oakland civic meetings. This year a group of us have organized Mayoral Candidate Forums designed to increase resident exposure to the 2014 Mayoral Candidate Race.
There are two components to the #Oakmtg Forums:
1. Individual Candidate Chats on Twitter.
Each candidate will have time to answer questions via twitter on the #Oakmayor Hashtag. Pre-selected questions will be sent to the candidates ahead of time for preparation. There will be an hour for answering pre-selected questions, and a half hour to respond to live questions, moderated by the @Oakmtg twitter handle.
Candidates will participate in the Twitter discussions on Thursday or Sunday evenings during the Months of June and July.
- Sunday, June 1st, 6:00-7:30pm Dan Siegel (storify)
Thursday, June 12th, 8:00pm Charles Williams (storify)
Thursday, June 26th, 7:00 pm Saied Karamooz (storify)
Sunday, June 29th, 6:00pm Sam Washington (storify)
Thursday, July 3rd, 6:00pm Jason "Shake" Anderson (storify)
Thursday, July 10th, 6:00pm Courtney Ruby (storify)
Sunday, July 13th, 8:00 pm Libby Schaaf (storify)
Thursday, July 17th, 7:00pm Charles Williams -
Sunday, July 20th, 6:00pm Nancy Sidebotham (storify)
Thursday, July 24th, 7:00pm Bryan Parker (storify)
Sunday, July 27th, 6:00pm Sam Washington
Sunday, August 3rd, 6:00 pm Ken Houston (storify)
Thursday, August 7th, 7:00 pm Saied Karamooz
Thursday, August 14th, 6:00 pm Rebecca Kaplan
2. Live Forum at Oakland City Council Chambers:
The Live Forum will be held August 21, 7-9 pm, Council Chambers at Frank Ogawa Plaza. As with the Twitter Chats, pre-selected questions will be sent to candidates one week prior to the forum.
KTOP Comcast Ch. 10 or ATT Uverse Ch. 99
OR Watch online: --> http://www2.oaklandnet.com/Government/o/CityCouncil/s/VideoArchive/index.htm
The Live Forum will be moderated by Richard Raya. Richard Raya is the former Executive Director of Youth Radio, as well as Budget Director for the Alameda County Public Health Department. He is currently a strategic planning and evaluation consultant and sits on the Oakland Fund for Children and Youth Oversight Committee. He lives in North Oakland with his wife Marisa and their sons.
Registered Candidates - all confirmed to be eligible to participate.
- Rebecca Kaplan
- Saied Karamooz
- Charles Williams
- Ken Houston
- Courtney Ruby
- Bryan Parker
- Dan Siegel
- Libby Schaaf
- Patrick McCullough
- Jean Quan
- Jason Anderson
- Nancy Sidebotham
- Joe Tuman
*Eric Wilson has been recently invited to participate. His registration is currently pending.
For the latest news, commentary and sharing questions go to the #Oakmtg Mayoral Candidate Forum Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1480432262169212/?ref=5"
To submit questions for the forum and twitter chats!:
With a gmail account: "#Oakmtg Twitter Question"
Via facebook event page
Send Questions to @oakmtg Twitter Account.
External Link:
In the news
- Kazakoff, Lois. "Tweet with Oakland's next mayor." SFGate.com: June 8, 2014.
- Filippi, Cris. "Oakland Mayoral Candidates Bicker Over Police Staffing Level." CBS San Francisco: Aug 22, 2014.
"Transparency through Twitter: #oakmtg uses social media to engage the community in the 2014 mayoral elections." Oakland Local: Sep 1, 2014.