- An Ex-patient - Former Health Seeker in Saranac Lake Tells of Community's Charm (1926)
- Wilbur F. Beckett - A patient at the Sageman Cottage from August, 1923 to April, 1924.
- Marcia Gabriel Brown - Teenagers with TB curing at Ray Brook in the late 1950s
- Morgan Callahan - An early pharmacist recalls the pharmacies of the 1930s.
- Judy Cameron - "Camp" life on the St. Regis Lakes from the 1920s.
- Donald Mott Chapin - Local Columnist Arthur Slattery re-counts an interview with Mr. Chapin, civic leader and former patient.
- Sherwood Davies - Memories of Stony Wold Sanatorium on Lake Kushaqua
- Ed Dyer - Public stenographer recalls the businesses of the twenties and thirties on lower Broadway.
John Duquette -
- Boom times in Saranac Lake - Early 1900s in Saranac Lake
- High School Days - Childhood in Saranac Lake in the 1920s
- Origins of the Saranac Lake High School yearbook - The first Canaras
- Remembering things past in Saranac Lake - The thirties in Saranac Lake
- John M Kohan - "Our Days at Mount View Sanatorium, Lockport, NY"
- Interview with Eileen Fanning
- Robert Farrell - Farrell learned X-ray technology while curing at Ray Brook as a teenager in the late 1940s.
- Jack Finegan Interview
- Ruth W. Freeman - Freeman worked at the Lake Clear Inn in the late 1930s.
- Donn Garwood Interview
- Irene Gillmett - The impact of the Saranac Inn on the Lake Clear area in the 1930s through the 1950s.
- E.K. Goldthwaite - The history of the Adirondack Enterprise from 1906-1918
- Francis M. Harding - Remembrances of her family's camp on Lake Kiwassa
- Bob Kampf - Railroad, Saranac Lake and Ray Brook, 1920s - '50s
- Ron Keough - Youth sports in the 1940s and '50s; snow plowing in the 1940s and '50s
- Helen Larsen Interview
- Natalie Leduc Interview
- Baron Ling - Bloomingdale in the 1880s
- Fred Maloney - An oral history of work at Paul Smiths Hotel c. 1906
- James Marshall - Recollections of life at Knollwood Club
- Mary E. McClelland - Pioneers of Saranac Lake
- Jim Munn - AP's Man in the Nation's Capital Recalls Dad's Store at 72 Main Street
- The Old Philosopher remembers Stage Coach Days
- Evelyn Outcalt Interview
- Dick Ray - Just 21, he begins a 12 year battle for health
- Centennial Recollections - James H. LaPan, Ethel Ward Jeans, Bessie Hanmer, Elizabeth Fletcher and Clara Holt
- Howard Riley
- Russell Shefrin - Ray Brook in the 1950s and '60s
- Madeline Smith - School nurse in 1912, and later Head nurse of the Reception Hospital
- Tent Platform Permit No. 733 - A memoir by Michael Specht about his family's tent platform on Lower Saranac Lake.
- Joseph Stephen - Reminiscences of the period 1921 to 1955 by a local attorney.
- Katharine Strelsky - Memories of a 1929 Christmas sleigh ride to Paul Smiths for the staff of the Saranac Lab
- Edward (Mark) Tucker
- Mrs. Albert Tyler -
TB Reunion —
- Mabel Blais Sharp - As a patient and nurse, she fought TB, and won
- Doris Carey Steel - Loneliness, depression and happiness at Will Rogers
- Dr. Charles F. Wicker remembers his first year in Saranac Lake, 1881
- World War II recollections - Memories of John Stiegman and Carroll Yard
Interviews by Historic Saranac Lake's Oral History Project at www.hslstories.org
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