The occupation of “Capitalist” appears to have commonly and proudly used in the early history of Oakland (and probably throughout the country) by anyone of means – businessmen, company owners and community leaders. Below is an excerpt from the first (1887) Husted (later Polk-Husted) Oakland city directory – the names and home addresses of everyone who listed their occupation as ‘capitalist’. This will hopefully facilitate further research such as linking them to their respective companies:
- Charles Ackerman, 756 Willow
- George W. Adams, 571 E. 12th [related to Adams of Adams Point?][tend to think not, but maybe][pretty sure that was one of the Edson's]
- Mrs. Sarah L. Addison, Lake Shore Ave. [a woman!]
- John C. Ainsworth, Vernon Ave. (now Chabot Road) near Pagoda Hill (now Ross St. and Harwood Ave.)
- W. A. Aldritch, Vernal Ave., Piedmont
- Isidore Alexander, 1564 Telegraph Ave.
- Samuel T. Alexander, 1006 16th
- John A. M. Althof, 1767 Goss
- Richard Apgar, Wilson House
- John Archbald, 1070 16th
- George Babcock, 1218 Filbert
- H. D. Bacon, S. F., residence 960 Oak (Henry Douglas Bacon, financed UCBerkeley's Bacon Hall library)
- Thomas W. Badger, 412 E. 10th (same guy from Badger's Park)
- B. F. Baker, 640 12th
- Francis Ball, 1261 Clay
- John Bauerle, 753 Grove [also misspelt as “Banerle”]
- Thomas Beach, 1110 Alice
- John Bechtel, E. 27th near 21st Ave. [not John M., father of Bechtel Corp. founder Warren A. – in 1887 that family was living in KS]
- George C. Beckwith, NE corner McAdam and Broadway (this c.1885 house still stands as of 2015, being known today as Macky Hall, CCA’s administration building)
- Pierre Benoit, 567 2nd
- Leroy Beveridge, 1154½ 7th
- Xavier Bieler, 809 E. 14th
- Walter Blair, capitalist and president Broadway and Piedmont Railroad, residence The Centennial, 524 14th
- Pierre Bocqueraz, 829 Clay
- Edward Boursie, 1520 Curtis
- William Bowley, Tubbs Hotel
- John Brennan, Piedmont Junction [This is in Oakland on Piedmont Ave.; multiple sources say it was at Piedmont’s intersection with Mather (today’s Pleasant Valley Rd.), although other sources say it was at 40th or 41st.]
- James Brusie, 570 13th
- C. K. Buckley, boards Ross House
- Dedrich Buhsen, 1802 William
- Charles F. Burnham, 1705 Broadway
- William H. Burns, 1258 Webster
- James Cameron, 980 5th Ave.
- William W. Camron, 534 28th
- James Canning, 954 16th
- David S. Carrick, 602 E. 15th
- Remi Chabot, SE corner Madison and 11th [Anthony Chabot's younger brother]
- Charles Chamberlain, 1402 Franklin
- Mrs. F. B. Chamberlain, 1616 12th [another woman!!]
- Moses Chase, 202 E. 9th
- John H. Church, Fruit Vale Ave. near E. 14th
- O. Cliff, 566 16th
- James J. Clymer, 1352 Franklin
- Christopher Cockrill, 522 10th
- J. P. Cogswell, 1116 West [Any connection to Henry Cogswell?]
- Thomas Cordiell, 1389 Alice
- John Crellin, 1061 Oak [ in 1903, he was president of the Central Bank, 14th and Broadway ]
- Capt. George Cumming, corner Park and E. 14th, Fruit Vale
- M. B. Curtis, Jones between 5th and 6th
- Thomas S. Day, 373 Orchard
- F. Delger, Delger Block, room 39, residence 524 19th
- W. A. Deuress, 564 14th
- J. Diamond, end Fruit Vale Ave.
- Henry Dickenson, 602 14th Henry W. Dickinson, 602 14th this one is listed twice, with different spellings…
- John H. Druhe, 1175 Market
- John S. Drum, 1050 Broadway, residence 953 Market
- A. J. Duffy, Newland House
- James A. Duffy, Galindo Hotel
- Luigi Dultich, 652 E. 14th
- Moroni Edwards, 927 Myrtle
- Moses Emery, Brunswick [?] relation to Joseph?
- J. M. English, 1001 Jackson
- Thomas Farmer, 1312 Telegraph Ave.
- Duncan B. Finch, 1263 Webster
- Galen M. Fisher, 904 Filbert
- John J. Fleming, 1321 12th Ave.
- Curtis T. Forrest, 1841 Webster
- Amable Fossard, 1120 Peralta
- John T. Fowler, E. side College Ave. near Claremont Ave.
- Ledyard Frink, 1220 Grove
- John A. Fryer, Julia near E. 16th
- David T. Gage, 571 Caledonia
- John Gallagher, 768 7th
- D. W. C. Gaskill, 1395 Harrison
- James T. Glenn, 457 9th, residence 953 Castro
- George Godfrey, 961 Market
- Morris Goldberg, corner 19th Ave. and E. 27th
- Lawrence Goodmansen, 503 E. 24th
- F. G. Grabner, 470 11th
- Nathan Grayson, 568 25th
- Robert Gunn, 912 6th Ave.
- Henry Hahn, 1662 7th
- William Hale, 864 Peralta
- Lowell J. Hardy, 715 Market
- Charles Harkinson, 1951 Grove
- A. K. P. Harmon, president Consolidated Imperial Mining Co, S. F., residence 1568 Webster
- George Harrington, 328 E. 14th
- Sabin Harris, SE corner of 12th and Harrison Streets
- James Hart, 1607 Brush
- Jabez Hatch, 1108½ Broadway
- Minor Hillyard, 1320 Castro
- M. Holland, 403 9th Street
- John Hoof, 371 10th
- Orrin K. Hopkins, Brunswick House
- P. Horte, 2029 E. 14th
- Lucien B. Huff, 474 E. 14th
- Isaac Hyde, 604 8th
- William W. Judson, Fruit Vale Ave. near County Road
- Sheldon Kellogg, I. 228 E. 14th
- William Kleeman, 2102 Telegraph Ave.
- Christian A. Klose, 417 E. 14th
- G. B. Lardner, Tubbs Hotel
- Benjamin G. Lathrop, 945 Pine
- Henry C. Lee, 527 19th
- Lewis Linert, 274 23rd
- Charles Loyn, 845 Harrison
- George Taaffe Lynch, 536 14th
- Thomas Lynch, 312 10th
- William Malley, 940 Peralta
- William Maltfeldt, 1431 McPherson
- George Manefeld, Eureka Hotel
- Joseph Maristina, Galindo Hotel
- Alexander Martin, 702 10th
- Mrs. Harriet Martin, Highland Park [3rd woman!]
- W. W. Martin, 702 10th
- James Mathews, Clarendon House
- James McCarten, 763 Grove
- William McCleery, 713 5th
- John E. McDonald, 542 Sycamore
- Bernard McGinnis, 468 E. 11th
- Thomas McGinnis, 468 E. 11th
- John H. McMillan, 1369 Brush
- J. T. McNamara, Tubbs Hotel
- James T. McNamara, 1464 7th Ave.
- William N. Meeks, Birch near Broadway
- Samuel Merritt, 1213 Madison
- William Metcalf, corner Vernard and College Aves.
- August Michel, 1516 8th Street
- Albert Miller, 1264 14th
- Charles A. Miller, 1004 E. 16th
- Henry R. Miller, 1425 8th
- Hiliard Miller, 678 16th
- William F. Miller, 2012 Broadway william E was described as a capitalist...
- William Moir, corner E. 14th and Julia
- Thomas Moran, 485 Prospect Ave.
- A. R. Morel, Julia near E. 16th
- Henry S. Morris, 1105 Jackson
- M. L. Morris, 1144 Myrtle
- Andrew Myers, 466½ 13th
- Frederick Myers, Hillside, Piedmont
- Charles Newton, Hanover Ave., Peralta Heights, E. Oakland
- J. M. Patterson, boards Winsor House
- B. D. Van Pelt, Fruit Vale Ave. near Lynde
- Thomas B. Pheby, mining 1275 Alice
- John Potter, 517 3rd
- William Reed, 1269 Market
- I. L. Requa, Vernal Ave., Piedmont
- Francois Rienstadler, 963 3rd Ave.
- George Robins, 2369 Telegraph Ave.
- John W. Roland, 1235 Broadway
- Thomas Ronaldson, north side McKee near Occidental
- Albert H. Rose, 934 Myrtle
- William Schmidt, Fruit Vale Ave. near Shuey Lane
- Adolph Schneider, 539 19th
- John Schuler, 1432 16th
- John Schumacher, 1117 Myrtle
- Horace H. Seaton, 854 Broadway, residence SE corner Lake and Jackson
- James W. Shanklin, 1009 Madison
- Francis A. Shaw, 967 Alice
- Richard M. Sherman, 620 14th
- Orrin Simmons, 277 2nd
- Benjamin F. Smith, 496 24th
- J. W. Smith, Centennial House
- Thomas Smith, 752 13th
- William H. Smith, Fruit Vale Ave. near County Road
- A. J. Snyder, 467 9th, residence West Berkeley (A.J. Snyder Block?)
- Albro N. Sprague, 1325 San Pablo Ave.
- Lewis M. Starr, 980 5th Ave.
- Daniel Stein, 1324 10th Ave.
- Thad S. Stover, Tubbs Hotel
- O. B. Sturtevant, 278 13th
- R. B. Thompson, Summit Ave., Prospect Heights
- Edward Tompkins, Brunswick House
- Thomas Varney, 935 Filbert
- Huell C. Ver, Tubbs Hotel
- John C. Walker, Girard House
- William Walkerley, E. 19th between 5th and 6th Aves.
- John T. Ward, 517 19th
- Miers B. West, 618 15th
- Thomas Wheaton, 1069 13th Ave.
- J. H. Wheeler, Blake House
- Alpheus S. Wight, 562 8th
- John N. Wilkins, 1804 Telegraph Ave.
- William Wilkins, 814 17th
- John D. Williams, 44 E. 19th
- John N. Williams, 1354 Webster
- Henry Winkelman, 1212 Filbert
- Myron W. Wood, corner 4th Ave. and E. 24th
- Albert S. Woodbridge, 162 E. 9th
- Col. Samuel Woods, 576 8th
- L. Woodward, Randlett House
- John T. Wright, 771 5th
- Justin M. Wyman, corner Julia and Monroe