Historical City Council Members
- Digitized primarily from a file in the Oakland Public Library’s Oakland History Room: “Elections 1852 to the Present, City of Oakland, Prepared by the Office of the City Clerk, July 1988.” Other citations noted.
- Presidents are bolded. Political affiliation noted where available.
- Political Party Abbreviation Key: (AM)erican; (D)emocrat; (G)ood Government League; (I)ndependent; (IR) Independent Republican; (L)abor; (ML) Municipal League; (N)on-partisan; (P)opulist; (Pr)ogressive; (R)epublican; (SOC)ialist; (T)axpayers; (U)nion; (UL) Union Labor; (C)itizens'
- 1800s – 1850 : 1860 : 1870 : 1880 : 1890
- 1900s – 1900 : 1910 : 1920 : 1930 : 1940 : 1950 : 1960 : 1970 : 1980 : 1990
- 2000s – 2000 : 2010
1854: Amedee Marier | Edward Gallagher | George M Blake | AD Eames | John Kelsey | WC Josselyn
1855: Edward Gallagher | Andrew Williams | AD Eames | William Harwood | Leonard Johnson | SJ Lynch
NOTE: According to an Oakland Directory, Edward Gibbons was a member of the 1856 City Council, and Edward Gallagher was not.12
1856: Edward Gallagher | Robert Worthington | William Hillegass | FK Shattuck | George H Fogg (R) | J G Kitteridge
NOTE: According to an Oakland Directory, James Lentell was a member of the 1857 City Council and N Gray was not.12
1857: R Worthington | Nathaniel Gray (IR)14 | A Davison | Amedee Marier | William Harwood | William Hillegass
1858: FK Shattuck | GW Fountain | John McCann | GW Scribner | Thomas Gallagher | James Daley
1859: Edward Hoskins | AD McDevitt | JR Rodgers | JB Pierce | Amedee Marier
1860: PW Van Winkle | JB Pierce | Rector E. Cole (R)15 | JH Brown | AW White | MM Howe
NOTE: According to an Oakland Directory, AD Eames was a member of the 1861 City Council and GM Blake was not.
1861: Edward Gibbons | TD Woolsey | Douglas G Barnes | BC Horn | JM Dillon (R)9 | GM Blake
1862: Edward Gibbons | JM Dillon (R)9 | TD Woolsey | FK Shattuck | AD Eames | Sam Merritt
1863: Edward Gibbons | Oscar Lovell Shafter (I)16 | FK Shattuck | TD Woolsey | Chauncey Taylor | William Watrus Crane, Jr (R) 9 | James de Fremery
NOTE: According to an Oakland Directory, AC Palmer was on the 1863 City Council, not James DeFremery. I only have 6 noted here, so it’s possible both were.12
1864: FK Shattuck | E Jansen | JO Miner | David Pierce Barstow (R)18 | Chauncey Taylor | James de Fremery
1865: Edward Gibbons | JO Miner | FK Shattuck | Anselm H Jayne | AF Rogers | David Pierce Barstow (R)18 | Chauncey Taylor
1866: Edward Gibbons | PS Wilcox | David Pierce Barstow (R)18 | A Anderson | JO Miner | FK Shattuck | Anselm Jayne
1867: John Hobart | WG Moody (U) | WH Miller | PS Wilcox | BF Pendleton (R)15 | David Pierce Barstow (R)18 | Frederick M Campbell (R)17
1868: Anselm H Jayne | WG Moody (U) | WH Miller | BF Pendleton (R)15 | JA Hobart | Frederick M Campbell (R) | Douglas G Barnes
1869: Anselm H Jayne – Douglas G Barnes | Walter Van Dyke (R)13 | Nathaniel W Spaulding (R)9 | Enoch H Pardee (R)9 | William C Little (R)15 | JA Folger (R)15
Note: In January, 1870, an attempt was made to divide the city into districts, but the Council did not pass the resolution.2
1870: Henry Durant | William J Gurnett | Charles D Haven (R)19 | Quincy A Chase (R)18 | AL Warner (R)20 | Nathaniel W Spaulding (R)9 | Enoch H Pardee (R)9
1871: Enoch H Pardee (R)9 | FJ Murphy | AL Warner (R)20 | William S Snook (R)21 | JVB Goodrich (R)14 | Quincy A Chase (R)18 | William J Gurnett
1872: AL Warner (R)20 | Benjamin F Ferris | F Warner (R) | Mack Webber (R)3 | TJ Murphy | Enoch H Pardee (R)9 | William S Snook (R)21
NOTE: According to the yearbook for 1874, terms at this point are for two years, and the terms of 4 members expires in March of odd years and the other three members expire in even years. Unclear when this went into effect, but the book provided by the City Clerk’s Office doesn’t represent this. For example, Goodrich only served in 1871, HH Watson only served in 1876, etc.5
1873: Mack Webber | (R) 3 | Nathaniel W Spaulding (R)9 | William S Snook (R)21 | Israel Knox (R)9 | James Larue (R)22 | Benjamin F Ferris | F Warner (R)14
1874: Mack Webber | (Republican)3 | Wallace Everson | JK Mason | Nathaniel W Spaulding (R)9 | William S Snook (R)21 | Israel Knox (R)9 | James Larue (R)22
1875: Wallace Everson | John Miner | James Dods (R)23 | Uriel Huntington | JB Ford | James W Shanklin | JK Mason
1876: James Dods (R)23 | William A Walter (R)24 | John F W Sohst (R)9 | HH Watson (D)25 | JM Miner | U Huntington | JB Ford
1877: William A Walter (R)24 | PW Fonda (D)6 | WE Grennell (R)9 | JM Miner (R)10 | William E Miller | John F W Sohst (R)9 | MW Fish (R)6
1878: William A Walter (R)24 | PW Fonda (D)6 | WE Grennell (R)9 | JM Miner (R)10 | Samuel Milbury (R)10 | John F W Sohst (R)9 | MW Fish (R)6
1879: JB White | JC Millan (C)26 | Joseph N Corlies | Jesse Wall (D)27 | David Hewes | James Gill (D)28 | George Babcock (R)29
1880: George Babcock (R)29 | JC Millan (C)26 | Leander G Cole (R)30 | Jesse Wall (D)27 | David Hewes | James Gill (D)28
1881: Ward 1: JC Millan (C)26 | Ward 2: LS Hawkins | Ward 3: CR Lewis | Ward 4: JH Fish | Ward 5: Peter Thomson (R)31 | Ward 6: James Gill (D)28 | Ward 7: Henry Hayes (D)10
1882: Ward 1: JC Millan (C)26 | Ward 2: LS Hawkins | Ward 3: CR Lewis | Ward 4: JH Fish | Ward 5: Peter Thomson (R)31 | Ward 6: James Gill (D)28 | Ward 7: Henry Hayes (D)10
1883: Ward 1: JT Carrothers (sometimes spelled Carothers) (R)8 | Ward 2: Salmon M Babbitt (R)18 | Ward 3: EB Deane | Ward 4: Mathew de la Montanya | Ward 5: MC Garber (D)32 | Ward 6: James McGivney (D)10 | Ward 7: Henry Hayes (D)10
1884: Ward 1: JT Carrothers (sometimes spelled Carothers) (R)8 | Ward 2: Salmon M Babbitt (R)18 | Ward 3: EB Deane | Ward 4: Mathew de la Montanya | Ward 5: MC Garber (D)32 | Ward 6: James McGivney (D)10 | Ward 7: Henry Hayes (D)10
1885: Ward 1: JT Carrothers (sometimes spelled Carothers) (R)8 | Ward 2: JM Smith | Ward 3: Timothy Leonard Barker (R)33 | Ward 4: TG Harrison (R)9 | Ward 5: John Hackett (D)10 | Ward 6: James McGivney (D)10 | Ward 7: Henry Hayes (D)10
1886: Ward 1: JT Carrothers (sometimes spelled Carothers) (R)8 | Ward 2: JM Smith | Ward 3: Timothy Leonard Barker (R)33 | Ward 4: TG Harrison (R)9 | Ward 5: John Hackett (D)10 | Ward 6: James McGivney (D)10 | Ward 7: Henry Hayes (D)10
1887: Ward 1: JT Carrothers (sometimes spelled Carothers) (R)8 | Ward 2: JC Wilson (R/Am)10 | Ward 3: DC Brown (R)10 | Ward 4: TG Harrison (R)9 | Ward 5: Amasa Wright Bishop (R)10 | Ward 6: JH Pierce (R)9 | Ward 7: OC Kirk (D)10
1888: Ward 1: JT Carrothers (sometimes spelled Carothers) (R)8 | Ward 2: JC Wilson (R/Am)10 | Ward 3: DC Brown (R)10 | Ward 4: TG Harrison (R)9 | Ward 5: Amasa Wright Bishop (R)10 | Ward 6: JH Pierce (R)9 | Ward 7: OC Kirk (D)10
NOTE: According to “General Municipal Ordinances” published in 1903, changes in the City Charter were proposed March 8, 1888 by the Board of Freeholders who had been elected December 10, 1887. The changes were adopted November 6, 1888 and approved by the Legislature February 14, 1889. These changes led to biennial elections and two year term limits, as seen below. One councilmember was to be elected from each ward, and that man had to live in his ward. Four at-large representatives were elected, but no more than one could be elected from a single district. Seven members were considered a quorum, and the Council elected their own President.7
1889: Councilmen-at-large – William W Cameron (R)34 | Taliesin Evans (C)36 | George J Earl (R)35 | LH Wakefield – Ward 1: HM Collins (R)37 | Ward 2: John Towle (R)38 | Ward 3: John Archibald Macdonald (R, C)39 | Ward 4: Joseph McAvoy (D)35 | Ward 5: John Hackett (D)10 | Ward 6: Cornelius Henry Brosnahan (D)40 | Ward 7: OC Kirk (D)10
1891: Councilmen-at-large – George H Garthorne (R) or (D)41 | John Archibald Macdonald (R, C)39 | William Watkinson (R)10 | Charles W Wilkins (I)42 – Ward 1: Morgan Kroesen Thornburgh | Ward 2: George J Earl (R)35 | Ward 3: James W Nelson (N), (D), (R)43 | Ward 4: William D Heitmann (R)44| Ward 5: JE Johnson (R) (sometimes spelled Johnstone)10 | Ward 6: Cornelius Henry Brosnahan (D)40 | Ward 7: George Pardee
1893: Councilmen-at-large – William Barnard | James R Capell (D)45 | Richard Snell (C)47 | John Towle (R)38 – Ward 1: Henry P Dalton | Ward 2: Charles Knox Marshall (ML)48 | Ward 3: Walter Manuel (R)46 | Ward 4: William D Heitmann (R)44 | Ward 5: Anson Barstow (R)49 | Ward 6: William Watkinson (R)10 | William Dow 7th (R)4
1895: Councilmen-at-large – James R Capell (D)45 | James M Bassett (I)50 | John Towle (R)38 | William D Heitmann (R)44 – Ward 1: Frank Mott (R)46 | Ward 2: Charles Knox Marshall (ML)48 | Ward 3: Walter Manuel (R)46 | Ward 4: Cornelius Henry Brosnahan (D)40 | Ward 5: Wallace O Buckland | Ward 6: William Watkinson (R)10 | William Dow 7th (R)4 (Manuel president in 1895, Mott president 1896)
1897: Councilmen-at-large – William D Heitmann (R)44 | BC Cuvellier (R)46 | William B Pringle (R)46 | George Earl (R)35 – Ward 1: James Henneberry (D)52 | Ward 2: Frank R Girard (D) 4 (P)46 | Ward 3: MW Upton (R)53 | Ward 4: Cornelius Henry Brosnahan (D)40 | Ward 5: A Fibush (D)51 (resigned 2/18/1898, replaced by EW Woodward (R)51 by the mayor) | Ward 6: William Watkinson (R)10 | Ward 7: HD Rowe (R)46
1899: Councilmen-at-large – Anson Barstow (R)49 | Charles Kramm (R) (d. 1900, replaced by John Gill Lemmon by Mayor Snow) | BC Cuvellier (R)46 | George Stetson (R)55 – Ward 1: Frank Mott (R)46 | Ward 2: Frank R Girard (D)4 (P)46 | Ward 3: M W Upton (R)53 | Ward 4: Edwin Meese (R, M)59 | Ward 5: Felton Taylor (M, R)56 | Ward 6: Louis Schaffer (R)57 | Ward 7: HD Rowe (R)46 (elected Supervisor, resigned council 12/31/1900, replaced by James A Johnson (R)58 by the mayor 1/2/01)
NOTE: According to “General Municipal Ordinances” published in 1903, the City was redistricted on January 16, 1900, by Resolution No. 25828. See pages 11-13 for details on boundaries. According to Section 25, the Council was to be redistricted into 7 wards each 10th year, “making the same as equal in population and as geographically compact as possible.” 7
1901: Councilmen-at-large – George W Dornin | BC Cuvellier (R)46| Charles A Bon (R)58 (died 1902, replaced by JO Cadman (R)58 by the Mayor) | George T Burtchaell (M, R)60 (Removed from office, replaced by W.P. Courtney)– Ward 1: Andrew S Ruch (ML)11 | Ward 2: JS Wixson (I)60 | Ward 3: George Fitzgerald (R)58 | Ward 4: Robert J Boyer (R)46 | Ward 5: James A Smilie (Removed from office, replaced by A.W. Bishop) | Ward 6: Louis Schaffer (R)57 | Ward 7: James T Wallace (ML)61
1903: Councilmen-at-large – George W Dornin | BC Cuvellier (R)46| George E Aitken (R)62 | John L. Howard (R)63 – Ward 1: Alex McAdam | Ward 2: Albert H Elliot | Ward 3: George Fitzgerald (R)58 | Ward 4: Edwin Meese (R, M)59 | Ward 5: Benjamin H Pendleton (R)64 | Ward 6: William J Baccus (R)18 | Ward 7: James T Wallace61
1905: Councilmen-at-large – Edwin Meese (R, M)59 | Eugene Thurston (R)65 | George E Aitken (R)62 | Harry T Burns (R)66 – Ward 1: Alex McAdam | Ward 2: Albert H Elliot | Ward 3: George Fitzgerald (R)58 | Ward 4: Emil Hahn (UL)67 | Ward 5: Benjamin H Pendleton (R)64 | Ward 6: William J Baccus (R)18| Ward 7: William A Donaldson
1907: Councilmen-at-large – Harry T Burns (R)66 | Oliver Ellsworth (R)68 | Francis F Jackson (R)66 | Eugene Stachler (D, R, L)69 – Ward 1: Harold Everhart (R, ML)18 | Ward 2: Albert H Elliot | Ward 3: John Mullins | Ward 4: Emil Hahn (UL)67 | Ward 5: Benjamin H Pendleton (R)64 | Ward 6: William J Baccus (R)18 | Ward 7: George E Aitken (R)62
1909: Councilmen-at-large – Eugene Stachler (D, R, L)69 | John Ryle MacGregor (R)69 | Harold Everhart (R, ML)18 | Rufus C Vose – Ward 1: Oliver Ellsworth (R)68 | Ward 2: Albert H Elliot | Ward 3: Albert P Steifvater | Ward 4: Matthew R Bronner (R)69 | Ward 5: Benjamin H Pendleton (R)64 | Ward 6: William J Baccus (R)18 | Ward 7: LN Cobbledick (R)69
NOTE: now called Commissioners, due to change in the City Charter
1911: No 1. Harry S Anderson (R)23 | No. 2 William J Baccus (R)18 | No. 3 Frederick Turner (R)58 | No. 4 John Forrest (U/Pr)70
1913: No 1. Harry S Anderson (R)23 | No. 2 William J Baccus (R)18 | Election years staggered due to change in charter.
1915: No. 1 William H Edwards | No. 2 Dr FF Jackson (R)66 (had special recall election 8/1/1916 which lost 13,626-13,282)
1917: No. 1 Fred F Morse (R)71 | No 2 Frederick Soderberg
1919: No. 1 William H Edwards | No. 2 William Baccus (R)18 (ran against Dr FF Jackson)
1920: Special municipal election – “For the intention of circulating recall petitions, etc., for the recall of F Morse, WH Edwards, and Frederick Soderberg. The recall was ruled out on the grounds that not enough proper petitions were submitted to place the recall on the ballot. Some 5000 petitions were cast out upon the ground that the signer did not designate the cross streets between which he lived. Some 1000 petitions were ruled out upon the ground that the verification deputy signed his initials instead of his full name as given at the time of his appointment.”
1921: No. 1 Frank Colbourn (G)70 | No. 2 Albert E Carter (R)72
1923: No. 1 Frank Colbourn | No. 2 Leroy R Goodrich
1924: The 1924 Polk's Directory lists : William J. Moorehead (Commissioner of Revenue and Finance), William J. Baccus (Commissioner of Streets), Frank Colbourn (Commissioner of Health and Public Safety), Albert E. Carter (Commissioner of Public Works and the Port), and John L. Davie (Mayor). (ref)
1925: No. 2 | Leroy R Goodrich | No. 3 (Unexpired Term) Leroy R Goodrich (need explanation on this- they’re voted on even though the terms aren’t up, and other people run) | (There was a nominating election for Commissioner #1, but I don’t see final results for #1- need to do more research on this year)
1927: No. 1 Charles C Young | No 2. William H Parker
1928: Recall election for removal of Charles C Young defeated
1929: No. 1 not listed, but nominating election held | No. 2 Eugene K Sturgis | No. 3 (unexpired term) not listed, but Eugene K Sturgis won in nominating election
1930: initiative petition passed: Charter amended to establish council-manager form of government | 1931: Adoption of charter proposed by the charter framers defeated
1931 (now have commissioners and councilmen): Commissioner No. 2 (Unexpired term) Ernest L Thompson | No. 3 (unexpired term): Mortimer F Withoft | Councilman District 7: Arthur Newell | Councilman At Large, No. 1: Wilhelmine W Yoakum (first woman!) | Councilman at Large, No. 2 Dr John Slavich
1933 (appears to be only Councilmen now): District 2 (full term): James H Quinn | District 4 (Full Term): Dr William J McCracken | District 6 (Full Term): Glenn E Hoover | District 7 (Unexpired Term): Alex Arlett | Councilman-at-Large (Full Term) Walter F Jacobsen
1935: District 1: Herbert L Beach | Distrit 3 (unexpired term): Dr Thomas W Fitzsimmons | District 5: Frank B Shattuck | District 7: Richard W Tutt | Councilman-at-Large: Dr John F Slavich
1937: District 2: James H Quinn | District 4: Dr William J McCracken | District 6: James De Paoli | District 7 (unexpired term): George R Peters | Councilman at Large: Walter F Jacobsen
1939: District 1: Herbert Beach | District 3: Dr Thomas Fitzsimmons | District 5: Frank B Shattuck | District 7: George R Peters | Councilman-At-Large: Dr John F Slavich
1941: District 2: James H Quinn | District 4: Dr William J McCracken | District 6: James De Paoli | Councilman at Large: Walter F Jacobsen | Councilman at Large: Fred N Morcom
1943: District 1: Herbert Beach | District 2: Francis (Frank) J Youell | District 3 (Unexpired term): Henry Haler | District 5: Frank B Shattuck | District 7: George R Peters | Councilman-At-Large: Dr John F Slavich
1945: District 2: Francis (Frank) J Youell | District 4: Dr William J McCracken | District 6: James D’Ary | Councilman at Large: Fred N Morcom
1947: District 1: Vernon Lantz | District 2: Raymond E Pease | District 3: Frank B Shattuck
1949: District 2: Francis (Frank) J Youell | District 4: Florence Fletcher | District 6: Clifford E. Rishell | Councilman at Large: Fred N Morcom
1950: Recall election for removal of Raymond Pease failed | Recall election for Scott Weakley passed by 5 votes. William HD Clausen was elected to District 7. (Note: I can’t find Weakley ever having been elected to office..)
1950: Frank Shattuck died; votes were taken by the council and mayor on who would replace him (ref). Maggoria was selected as his replacement (ref)
1951: District 1 (unexpired term beginning in 1949): Douglas Sweeney | District 3: Howard E. Rilea | District 5 (Unexpired term/Full term): Fred Maggiora | District 7: William HD Clausen | Councilman at Large: Lester M Grant
1953: District 2: Francis (Frank) J Youell | District 4: Ernest A Rossi (by less than 200 votes) | District 6: Glenn E Hoover | District 7 (Unexpired term) Paul W Heisey
[ Q: what happened with Grover MacLeod? Article indicates he was on council, but replaced in 1953 for military leave. Oakland Tribune January 30, 1953)
1955: District 1: Peter M Tripp | District 3: Howard E Rilea | District 5: Fred Maggiora | District 7: John W Holmdahl | Councilman at Large: Lester M Grant
1957: District 2: Francis (Frank) J Youell | District 4: Robert L Osborne | District 6: Glenn E Hoover
1959: District 1: Felix F Chialvo | District 3: Howard E Rilea | District 5 (Full Term): Fred Maggiora | District 7 (Unexpired Term/Full Term): John Charles Houlihan | Councilman at Large (Unexpired Term/Full Term): Dan Marovich
1961: District 1: Felix F Chialvo | District 2: Robert McKeen | District 3: Howard E. Rilea | District 4: Robert L Osborne | District 5: Fred Maggiora | District 6: Glenn E Hoover | District 6 (Unexpired Term): Harry R Lange | District 7 (Unexpired Term/Full Term): John H Reading | Councilman at Large: Dan Marovich
1963: District 1: Felix F Chialvo | District 3: Howard E Rilea | District 5: Fred Maggiora | District 6 (Unexpired Term): Harry R Lange | District 7 (Unexpired Term/Full Term): John H Reading | Councilman at Large: Dan Marovich
1965: District 2 (Unexpired Term/Full Term): Joshua R Rose | District 4: Robert L Osborne | District 6: (Unexpired Term/Full Term): Paul A Brom
1967: District 1: Felix F Chialvo | District 3: Dr. Raymond L. Eng | District 5: Fred Maggiora | District 7: (Unexpired Term/Full Term): Frank Ogawa | Councilman at Large: Harvey Binns
1969: District 2: Joshua Rose | District 4 (Unexpired Term/Full Term): George Vukasin | District 6: Paul Brom
1971: District 1: Felix F Chialvo | District 3: Dr. Raymond L. Eng | District 5: Fred Maggiora | District 7: Frank Ogawa | Councilman at Large: John Sutter
1973: District 2: Joshua R Rose | District 4: George Vukasin | District 6: Joe Coto
1975 (now listed as Council Members): District 1: Felix F Chialvo | District 3: Dr. Raymond L. Eng | District 5: Fred Maggiora | District 7: Frank Ogawa | Councilmember at Large: John Sutter
1977: District 2: Mary Moore | District 4: George Vukasin | District 6: Carter Gilmore
1979: District 1: Marge Gibson Haskell | District 3: Dr. Raymond L. Eng | District 4 (Full Term): Dick Spees (he also won the election for unexpired term but this is not noted) | District 5: Wilson Riles, Jr | District 7: Frank Ogawa | Councilmember at Large: John Sutter
1981: (voting way down- largest number of votes for any candidate was 5k- most only got 3-4k. previous years saw 15k-40k, will have to look at this) District 1: Marge Gibson | District 2: Mary Moore | District 3: Aleta Cannon | District 4: Dick Spees | District 5: Wilson Riles Jr | District 6: Carter Gilmore | District 7: Leo Bazile | Councilmember at Large: Frank Ogawa
1983: District 1: Marge Gibson | District 3: Aleta Cannon | District 5: Wilson Riles, Jr | District 7: Leo Bazile | Councilmember at Large: Frank Ogawa
1985: District 2: Mary Moore | District 4: Dick Spees | District 6: Carter Gilmore
1987: District 1: Marge Gibson (won in general election by 127 votes) | District 3: Aleta Cannon | District 5: Wilson Riles Jr | District 7: Leo Bazile | Councilmember at Large: Frank Ogawa
1990: District 2: | District 4: | District 6:
1992: District 1: | District 3: | District 5: | District 7: | Councilmember at Large:
1994: District 2: | District 4: | District 6:
1996: District 1: Jane Brunner | District 2: John Russo | District 3: Nancy J. Nadel | District 4: Dick Spees | District 5: Ignacio De La Fuente | District 6: Nate Miley | District 7: Larry Reid | Councilmember at Large: Henry Chang, Jr.
1998: District 2: John Russo | District 4: Dick Spees | District 6: Nate Miley
2000: District 1: Jane Brunner | District 3: Nancy J. Nadel | District 5: Ignacio De La Fuente | District 7: Larry Reid | Councilmember at Large: Henry Chang Jr.
2002: District 2: Danny Wan | District 4: David Stein | District 6: Desley Brooks
2004: District 1: Jane Brunner | District 3: Nancy J. Nadel | District 5: Ignacio De La Fuente | District 7: Larry Reid | Councilmember at Large: Henry Chang, Jr.
2006: District 2: Patricia Kernighan | District 4: Jean Quan | District 6: Desley Brooks
2008: District 1: Jane Brunner | District 3: Nancy Nadel | District 5: Ignacio De La Fuente | District 7: Larry Reid | Councilmember at Large: Rebecca Kaplan
2010: District 2: Patricia Kernighan | District 4: Libby Schaaf | District 6: Desley Brooks
2012: District 1: Dan Kalb | District 3: Lynette Gibson McElhaney | District 5: Noel Gallo | District 7: Larry Reid | Councilmember at Large: Rebecca Kaplan
Other References
- “ACROSS THE BAY: The Coming Election in Oakland.” San Francisco Chronicle: Feb 27: 1887, pg 3. (Party Affiliations for EH Pardeen and Henry Hayes)
- History of Alameda County, California: Including Its Geology ..., Volume 2 Oakland: M. W. Wood, Publisher, 1883.
- “‘Straights’ Choose Their Delegates: Primary Republicans Hold a Convention.” New York Times: April 21, 1896.
- “End of the Oakland Municipal Campaign.” San Francisco Chronicle: March 8, 1897. (Party Affiliation for FR Girard, Dow)
- Langley, Henry G. A directory of the city of Oakland and the town of Alameda for the year ending 1874. Oakland: HG Langley, 1874. (available for free online)
- “TWEEDISM IN OAKLAND: The Influence of the Recent Scandal on Politics.” San Francisco Chronicle: March 1, 1879. (Party affiliations for 1878 Council.)
- Frick, A.L. City Charter of the city of Oakland, California: also general municipal ordinances of said city in effect December 12, 1903. Press of the Oakland Tribune: 1903. (eBook available for free.)
- “ALAMEDA REPUBLICANS.” Daily Alta California. July 13, 1884. (Carrothers political affiliation)
- “OAKLAND NEWS: Revolt from Machine Politics.” San Francisco Chronicle: March 6, 1889. (Political affiliation for Dillon, Crane, Spaulding, Pardee, Knox, Grennell, Shohst, JH Pierce, Harrison)
- “ACROSS THE BAY.” San Francisco Chronicle: March 15: 1887. (Political affiliation for Miner, Milbury, Hayes, McGivney, Hackett, Wilson, Brown, Bishop, Kirk, Watkinson and Johnson)
- “DAY’S DOINGS IN THE BAY CITIES.: STAMPED BALLOT IN WRONG SPACE.” San Francisco Chronicle: April 14th, 1901. (Political affiliation for Ruch.)
- Bishop’s Directory for Oakland, 1875. I have left everything according to the original book produced by the City Clerk’s office.
- “Oakland Items.” San Francisco Chronicle: Jul 16, 1869. (Political affiliation for Van Dyke, F Warner, JVB Goodrich)
- “NATHANIEL GRAY: A PHILANTHROPIC VETERAN’S DEATH.” San Francisco Chronicle: April 25, 1889.
- “Republican Primary Election in Oakland.” The Daily Morning Chronicle: Feb 14, 1869. (Party affiliations for Pendleton, Little, Folger and Cole.)
- Loughhead, Flora Haines. Life Diary and Letters of Oscar Lovell Shafter. San Francisco: The Blair Murdock Company, 1915.
- “THE PACIFIC SLOPE.” San Francisco Chronicle: July 15, 1884.
- Guinn, JM. History of the State of California and Biographical Record of Oakland and Environs (V1) Los Angeles: Historic Record Co: 1907. (Political affiliations for Babbitt, Chase, Baccus, David Pierce, Barstow, Everhart)
- “ALAMEDA COUNTY POLITICS.” San Francisco Chronicle: Sep 26, 1886.
- “Delegates to be Voted for in the Oakland Primary Election.” San Francisco Chronicle: June 4: 1875. (Political Affiliation for AL Warner)
- “ALAMEDA COUNTY POLITICS: Election of Delegates to the State Conventions.” San Francisco Chronicle: April 25, 1880. (Political affiliation for WS Snook)
- “JUDGE LARUE PASSES AWAY: He Was Prominent in the Political Life of Oakland and One of Its Oldest Residents.” San Francisco Chronicle: July 10, 1904.
- Baker, Joseph Eugene. Past and Present of Alameda County. SJ Clarke: 1914. (affiliations for Dods, Anderson)
- “ACROSS THE BAY: OAKLAND POLITICS Result of the Republican Primaries Yesterday.” San Francisco Chronicle: Mar 6: 1887.
- Thompson, Thomas. Governmental Roster. State of California: 1886.
- "THE OAKLAND ELECTION: Blethen Chosen Mayer -- A Close Vote in Several Wards." San Francisco Chronicle: March 15, 1881.
- "OAKLAND NEWS: Likely Changes in Public Offices." San Francisco Chronicle: June 20, 1892.
- "OAKLAND POLITICS: Issues and Men That Will Come Up at the Election." San Francisco Chronicle: Feb 27: 1885.
- "LEAGUE EXPELS COLONEL BABCOCK." San Francisco Chronicle: Mar 24, 1902.
- "ACROSS THE BAY: Dr. Melvin Nominated for Mayor." San Francisco Chronicle: Mar 6, 1888.
- Guinn, James Miller. History of the State of California and Biographical Record of Oakland. Historic Record Company: 1907. Thomson was a Republican but was nominated by both Democratic and Republican parties.
- "OAKLAND ITEMS." Daily Alta California: Feb 12, 1885.
- Autobiography and Reminiscence of Timothy Leonard Barker, Oakland, 1901.
- California Blue Book. California Secretary of State: 1879.
- "Oakland News." San Francisco Chronicle: Sep 25, 1892." (Political affiliation for McAvoy and Earl.)
- The Bay of San Francisco: The Metropolis of the Pacific Coast and Its Suburban Cities. Lewis Publishing Company: 1892
- "OAKLAND NEWS." San Francisco Chronicle: Nov 18, 1894.
- "OAKLAND HAS A POLITICAL STORM." San Francisco Chronicle: Dec 15, 1896.
- "OAKLAND NEWS." San Francisco Chronicle: Mar 8, 1889.
- "OAKLAND DEMOCRATS NAME THEIR LEADER." San Francisco Chronicle: Jan 29, 1897.
Daily Alta California: Mar 2, 1886., "ACROSS THE BAY: OAKLAND POLITICS." San Francisco Chronicle: Mar 5, 1887.
"JOHN L. DAVIE FOR MAYOR." San Francisco Chronicle: Jan 31, 1899.
"OAKLAND NEWS." San Francisco Chronicle: Mar 10, 1895. (he really did have 3 affiliations!)
"REPUBLICANS WILL PROCLAIM VICTORY." San Francisco Chronicle: Nov 7, 1896.
A History of the State of Nevada: Its Resources and People. Lewis Publishing Company: 1904.
"MEN FAVORED BY THE REPUBLICANS." San Francisco Chronicle: Jan 20, 1897. (Affiliations for Manuel, Mott, Cuvellier, Pringle, Girard, Rowe, Boyer).
"OAKLAND NEWS." San Francisco Chronicle: Mar 4, 1893.
"CAMPAIGN AGAINST SALOONS IS BEGUN." San Francisco Chronicle: Feb 27, 1897.
"BARSTOW TO BE OAKLAND'S MAYOR." San Francisco Chronicle: Mar 13, 1901.
"CHOICE OF THE TAXPAYERS." San Francisco Chronicle: Jan 30, 1897.
"FIBUSH GIVES UP HIS SEAT: HIS PLACE FILLED BY A REPUBLICAN." San Francisco Chronicle: Feb 19, 1898. (political affiliation for Fibush and Woodward)
"OAKLAND ELECTS NEW OFFICIALS TO-MORROW." San Francisco Call: Mar 7, 1897.
- "CHOICE OF THE TAXPAYERS." San Francisco Chronicle: Jan 30, 1897.
"FIFTH WARD REPUBLICANS." San Francisco Chronicle: Oct 31, 1894.
"ALAMEDA COUNTY PRIMARY TO-DAY." San Francisco Chronicle: Sep 17, 1898.
- Municipal League: "MANUEL NAMED FOR MAYORALTY: The Municipal League Makes Nominations in Oakland." San Francisco Chronicle: Jan 26, 1901. Republican: "CONVENTION OF LEAGUE CLUBS." San Francisco Chronicle: Mar 27, 1904.
- "BOLD COUP OF BARSTOW." San Francisco Chronicle: Apr 1, 1901.
- "NOMINATIONS MADE BY THE REPUBLICANS." San Francisco Chronicle: Jan 27, 1901. (affiliations for Bon, Cadman, Fitzgerald, Turner and Johnson.)
- "FEW CANDIDATES FOR CITY OFFICES." San Francisco Chronicle: Jan 16, 1905. (affiliation for Meese)
- "BURTCHAELL HAS DESERTED LEAGUE." San Francisco Chronicle: Mar 20, 1901. Elected as Municipal league, switched right after election to Republican. (affiliation for Burtchaell and Wixson)
- "BARSTOW TO BE OAKLAND'S MAYOR." San Francisco Chronicle: Mar 13, 1901.
- "CAMPAIGN ENDS WITH SPEECHES." San Francisco Call: Mar 11, 1905.
- "OAKLAND'S FIGHT PRACTICALLY OVER." San Francisco Chronicle: Mar 8, 1903.
"BENJAMIN H. PENDLETON." Alameda County Biographies. Past & Present of Alameda County, California Vol II, S. J. Clarke Publ. Co., 1914.
"DEMOCRATS DEFEAT FUSION SCHEME." San Francisco Call: Feb 2, 1907.
"NEWS FROM ACROSS THE BAY." San Francisco Chronicle: Feb 6, 1907." (affiliations for Burns and Jackson)
"CITY READY FOR ITS ELECTION: Contests Over Picking of Some Councilmen Considered Close." San Francisco Chronicle: Mar 11, 1907.
Bothin, Henry E. Men Who Made San Francisco. Press of Brown & Power Stationary Company: 1912.
- Blake, Evarts. Greater Oakland. 1911. (affiliations for Statchler, MacGregor, Cobbledick and Bronner)
- Rhomberg, Chris. No There There: Race, Class and Political Community in Oakland. University of California Press: 2004. (affiliations for Forrest and Colbourn)
- "NOMINATION DAY CLOSES BUSILY." San Francisco Call: July 17, 1910.
- "Carter, Albert E." Biographical Directory of the United States Congress.